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My Night at the Cathay Motion Picture Awards 2015

Last Friday, I was invited to attend the Cathay Motion Picture Awards Night 2015 event held at The Cathay Cineplex. I brought along my blogger buddy Ivy to this red carpet event and we truly had a great time!

Cathay Motion Picture Awards Night was astounding! It was a night filled with delectable food, amazing people, excitement and lots of laughs. I had my picture taken on the red carpet with my signature pose and a great time at the photo booth with funny props. At around 7.45, participants and guests were led into the theater and settled into their seats. Shortly after that, the awards ceremony began.  

The top 3 winners - Best Motion Picture, First Runner-Up, Second Runner-Up and a Viewers' Choice were chosen from among 15 finalists. The winners and their projects were as follows: 

Best Motion Picture Award 2015
Retch by Incline Visuals
Andrew kose, 21, LASALLE Fresh Graduate, Chervin Chua, 20, LASALLE Fresh Graduate and Jonathan Chan, 22, LASALLE Fresh Graduate

Andy, a librarian, finds himself terribly ill one day. As he throws up, he struggles to jot his memory on what he had for lunch that made him sick.

Click the link to watch this film - Retch by Incline Visuals

1st Runner-Up
Seletar by Studio 3B
Melinda Tan, 30, Pursuing a Masters degree and Yeo Zhi Qi, 22, Student

On the first death anniversary of their best friend, Jiayi and Zhiqi embarked on a journey to remember her.

Click the link to watch this film - Seletar by Studio 3B

2nd Runner-Up
Fragments by Triple-J
Jaze Phua, 23, and Jerry Lim, 23, Student & Youtuber for JUO Productions, and Justin Kan, 31, Flight Steward

Memories are fragmented, and an accumulation of our experiences around us. A blind man speaks of how our sense evoke snippets of our memories, but the best memories are created with the people around us.

Click the link to watch this film - Fragments by Triple-J

Viewers' Choice
Artist by Smells like Team Spirit
Andre He, 27, Freelance Promotions Producer, Ho Wenlong, 26, Student and Luna Pham, 24, Broadcast Graduate from NTU

A little boy and an artist speak of life, friendship and bumboats by the Singapore River. As the artist sketches the view, the little boy realises that the artwork looks different from what he sees in front of him - not realising that the artist was sketching the river from his memory of how it used to be.

Click the link to watch this film - Artist by Smells like Team Spirit

Congratulations to All Winners!

Thank you BrandStory for the invite and the goodies!

Lots of Love

Disclaimer : I am writing this post on my own accord for informational purposes only and no monetary compensation was given or received for this post. Opinions are based on my personal experience. Images above taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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