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Photo Diary : December Favorites

OMG!  It's now Mid-December and I can't believe it that how fast time flies. So have you prepared for your New Year Resolutions?  Who, me? Well...ummm... anyhoo yoohoo..... today I wanna share my December favorites with ya'll and will share more favorites over the next month..... Enjoy!

Little Christmas tree Enchanting Carousel Little Christmas tree Mosaic Lipstick - No.4, No.12 & No.5 Little Christmas tree Seafood Pizza-Yum!
Little Christmas tree Yummeh Tomatoes Little Christmas tree Hearty breakfast with my BFF Little Christmas tree Poppin microwave popcorn - butter flavour 
Little Christmas tree Water droplets on leaves

What's your December favorite?



  1. Mmmmmmm, pizza!

  2. Hello! Just wanted to let you know I featured your blog yesterday on the post Wednesday Weekly Review #19! (

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

  3. I love pizza!This year I don't feel like I'm in the christmas mood at all,but I'll do my best to try!
    Your blog emits a happy and friendly feeling,I love it :)
    Have a great weekend Rena!
    xo Lily

    1. your best to try, I know will do it.. I'm happy to hear that you love my blog hun.
      You too have a great weekend sweetie.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Following ya back!

  5. I love the decor that you selected for your blog. My December faves are: pecans, pralines, Christmas music & movies, decorations, holiday lights & egg nog (hold the JD please). ;)

    I'm your newest follower from the hop. Would love to have you visit me at Writing My Dreams.

    1. Egg Nog! Yup yup.... I love egg nog too. Yum!

      Thanks for following me, Hun! Heading over to your blog now. :)

  6. I can never say no to pizza! Yummy!

    Thank you for joining this week’s Harvest of Friends Weekend Blog Hop.

    1. Yummy yum...pizzazzzz!
      Your welcome & thanks for hosting the Blog Hop, Kelly.

  7. Awww....thanks Irfan.
    Checking out your blog now.

  8. Wow! I managed to find you (I'm renowned at getting myself lost in the social media world!) and will be following you from now on - in return for your already kind support at

    Cheers. Isobel

  9. Hi Rena, thanks for stopping by The Alchemist. I started following you too!

    Happy Holidays!

    Melissa @ The Alchemist

  10. Loving all the decors this month. I love decorating our tree.

    Thanks for stopping by my site. Following you now.

    Henry's Mom

  11. Hi Rena!! Thanks for stopping my blog!! I look forward to reading yours in the future!!

    Take care!!

    1. Thank you and am looking forward to reading your blog in the future too! Have a nice day!

  12. I like the pictures! Found you on the blog hop.

    1. Awww....thanks for the follow. I'm heading over to you.:)

  13. Thank you for liking my page from the blog hop and so happy to have found you back. Your pictures are great and I happen to truly love this time of the year, now more than ever with my two little girls to celebrate it with. Thanks again and truly happy to follow you back!!

  14. Thanks so much for grabbing an "I Was Featured" button! I just added your blog to the Pinterest board Blogs I've Featured! (

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

  15. Hi~ Thanks for stopping by CrochetHappy this weekend! I'm a new follower for you and look forward to stalking your posts! LOL

    TracyAnn of and

    1. Thanks TracY! Yes, please stalk my posts all you want. I love it. :D

  16. thanks for following me..i'm returning the favor!

  17. Linking up from the Sensational Creations Blog Hop! New follower! Hope to see you soon over at:


  18. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. You have a nice blog here. I especially love your DIY section.

    Following you back.

  19. Yummm, popcorn would have to be a fav of mine too - although I like the icing sugar version :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. OOOooo.....I like the icing sugar version too!
      Thanks for stopping by my blog too.


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