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My CUPPATEA 14 Day teatox Experience

Let me start off by saying that I'm not a huge fan of dieting or fitness. I love lazing around with my Cheese Burger, Fried Chicken, pizza and yada yada yada. My mom always used to nag at me to exercise and eat healthy food but it fell on deaf ears. Well, for some reason, until recently I decided to adopt a healthy lifestyle to make me feel good, healthier and vibrant.

I jump started my health journey with CUPPATEA 14 Day Teatox program 2 weeks ago. So yeah, I just completed my teatox program and I can tell you that it worked amazing for me! Alright guys, I guess this is the best time to post a review based on my direct experience with this teatox program. Without further ado, let's jump straight into it!


What is Cuppatea Teatox? Why Teatox? 
Cuppatea is a UK based company that promotes healthy living and natural beauty. All the ingredients in Cuppatea Teatox are 100% natural ingredients, no chemical or perservatives and bacteria-free.  Cuppatea Teatox aids weight loss through balanced diet and regular exercise regime. 

What are the Benefits?
  • Burn fat and prevent fat storage
  • Transformation of energy to burn calories
  • Improve skin health
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Purification detox
Suitable for vegetarian, halal and gluten-free.


The 14 Day Teatox program comes with 14 days supply of Morning Detox tea bags and 7 days supply of Bedtime Cleanse tea bags.

Drink it every morning to start your day. Otherwise drink it when you get chance.

Mate Leaves
Chinese Oolong Tea
Ginger Root
Lotus Leaves
Ginseng Root
Dandellion Leaf
Gotu Kola Leaves
Nettle Leaves

Note: The Morningtime detox does not produce a laxative effect but contains a small amount of caffeine.


Drink it every other night before bed (starting day 1).

Senna Leaves
Burdock Root
Liquorice Root
Hawtorn Leaves
Fenugreek Seeds
Peppermint Leaves
Psyllium seeds

Note: The Bedtime Cleanse produces a laxative effect to naturally cleanse and detoxify your body, approximately 8 hours after usage.


The mixture of dried herbs and tea leaves packed into a nylon pyramid filter sachet. 

How to Use it?
All you need to do is to infuse it with near boiling water for 3 minutes

All teatox bags are packed in a stand up resealable pouch. 

My Verdict
I can't believe it! I managed to complete my 14 Day teatox program. Wow, amazing! Well, you know I don't usually like to drink anything without sugar in it. I know, I know, it's absolutely bad for my health. Anyhoo, I find that I can drink this teatox because it's not bitter at all. 

Cuppatea 14 Day teatox program really worked for me. This teatox gave me a diuretic and laxative effect but not so severe. I had to pay a few visits to Ms Lavatory every after meal. I guess there's a lot of junk stuff in my tummy. Mmm... hmmm.... My tummy is flatter a bit now and my waist area appear a bit smaller. I noticed that there's some changes in my appetite. I used to eat a lot, I can demolish the entire large size of pizza or a huge portion of pasta all by myself. Yeah... sounds scary but now I can only eat 3 slices of pizza at the most or medium portion of pasta. 

Overall, I'm pleased with the results and I'll definitely continue to drink Cuppatea Teatox. The price is reasonable, easy to make and absolutely delicious! 

Light and pleasant with a hint of herbal woody flavor. 
Not bitter at all.

Extremely strong, durable, convenient and clean.

Excellent customer service - helpful and friendly.

So guys, if you wanna try this teatox program and see how it works, you can follow the jump to purchase the CUPPATEA 14 Day TEATOX. Oh wait! Don't forget to quote discount code iszareena15off to enjoy 15% off for any purchases.

Have you ever tried CUPPATEA TEATOX?
Let me know in the comments below.
Lots of Love

Disclaimer : Product in this post was provided for personal review purposes only. Reviews are 100% honest and based on my personal experience. No monetary compensations of any kind was given or received for this review. Images above taken by me unless otherwise stated.


  1. This product seems great. I usually drink black tea without sugar and the taste is so weird. I prefer to put a little sugar inside. Nice review dear ^^

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