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Goodbye Google Reader. Hello Bloglovin & Linky Followers

Hello my friends, I'm sure y'all are aware by now that Google Reader is going away on July 1st, 2013.  Rumor has it that Google Friend Connect (GFC) is going away too but I heard that it's going away for non-blogger blogs.  I am confused. So I'm hoping that y'all, my friends, will continue to follow and support my blog.  You can follow me via Bloglovin' or Linky Followers, maybe both.

Linky Followers

Follow on Bloglovin

Feel free to leave comments and links for me to follow back.


  1. Dusty Katt following you back everywhere. :)

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by Turnips 2 Tangerines:) now following you back on everything! Lynn

  3. followed you on both. Which I am shocked I remembered my password on linky followers - lol :)

    1. Great, you remembered your password so we can stay in touch. Followed you back.

  4. Hello Rena,

    Thank you for visiting earlier! I am following you back on bloglovin:)

    Have a nice day!

  5. I have moved all my GFC to bloglovin... You included.

  6. Hi Rena,

    Thank you so much for stopping by at Kusina ni Inday. About your question regarding my Prawn Adobo, I just use a regular soy sauce - I suggest use dark soy sauce. Please let me know how it goes.


  7. Hi thanks for stopping by my blog and following by, blog lovin and linky tools. I'm following back by both :)

  8. I love your blog layout really nice :D x

  9. Just added you on Bloglovin! :)

  10. Hey Rena, thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm returning the follow :)

  11. Thank you so much Rena for stopping by and visiting at Raising Reagan :) Glad to get to know you!!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  12. Thanks for the tip! I'll keep an eye open for the changes.


  13. Stunning blog!

    I am following you back Via Bloglovin' and GFC


    Young Mum's Guide To Survival

  14. *waving* I think I've been blalking (blog stalking...get it?) for a couple of weeks, I think? :) Thanks for flattery. ;)

    1. *waving back* Keep blalking, love you for that. *grinning*. Thanks for stopping by Christie!

  15. dropping by your pretty blog! <3

    from Myxilog with love <3

  16. New follower from the blog hop. Stop by Deezy Does It! blog and link up as well as have a chance at the give-a-way. We run a link up every Friday (ends Tuesdays) with a give-a-way at with a give-a-way.

  17. Boy, am I out of the loop. I had not heard any of this about Google, but then I have been away. I must check this out. Thanks for letting us know.

  18. Returning the follow! I was just figuring Google reader out when they decided to get rid of it! Grrr....Bloglovin' is pretty simple though! Hope you have a nice week!

    1. Yup Bloglovin is pretty simple. Thanks for following back. :)

  19. Hi Rena! I agree all the change with Goggle Reader is confusing! I am following back from your visit! I'll be looking to follow and hope you'll do the same through Bloglovin' :) Let's hope we all get it figured out ;)


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