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Bucket List

1.   Start A Blog 
2.   Learn to sew professionally
3.   Makeover my bedroom 100% and happy with it
4.   Daily Photoblog
5.   Collect lashes from different brands
6.   Design and sew my own cat clothes
7.   Overcome my fear of heights - MegaZip, Megaclimb, Megajump
8.   More DIY to share with Blog Buddies
9.   Collect coins from all over the world
10. Solo Travelling
11. Collect vintage treasures
12. Art Jamming
13. Create my own handmade strawberry shortcake
14. Concoct my own Mocktail
15. Set up Hollywood inspired custom vanity
16. Create a Youtube channel
17. Make my own Strawberry Shortcake
18. Online Business - Cosmetic and Hijab
19. Foot Spa with Bestie
20. Learn Flamenco
21. Spend more time with my Furry Sista
22. Swim with Dolphin or Crocodile? I'm torn between two lovers. Why not .... both?
23. Create my own signature Sirloin Steak and Flowerfetti Salad
24. Be creative. Make my own candles
25. Exotic Spa Vacation
26. Get a private pilot's license
27. Beauty Spa Experience - Slimming Treatment, Facial & Relaxing Treatment, Luxury Treatment
28. Skydiving!
29. Knit a Scarf
30. Movies marathon with BFFs
31. Inspiration Wall in my bedroom
32. A GORGEOUS Chandelier in my bedroom and admire it 24 by 7
33. Make Rose Dumpling
34. Cook oxtail stew
35. Create my own fragrance
36. Krups Nescafe Dulce Gusto Piccolo
37. Achieve my ideal weight
38. Create Halloween Portfolio 
39. Office/Craft/Dressing Room Makeover
40. Create my own Bento Box - Sushi bear and etc
41. Stargaze all night with ??
42. Learn & improve my Photography skills
43. Set up a mini library @ home
44. Vintage Collection
45. Eat more Fruits and be healthy.
46. Reupholster & Repurpose Old Furniture
47. Makeup and Fashion Design Portfolio
48. Grow herbs in small pots
49. Be a model for a day
50. Be creative. Make my own Bath Bomb

I might add more things to my list but for now, I'm happy with all the things here.



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