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Feel Fresh With PadeveSG Herbal Sanitary Pads and Liner

Hello My Beautiful Friends! I am back with my new found freshness with PadeveSG. This brand provides 3 types of herbal sanitary pads + 1 type of panty liner. They are designed to optimize the comfort and freshness in menstruating women. So yeah, today I am going to share my experience with you. Without further ado, let's jump into the review, shall we?


Product Features

Cooling & Refreshing
Padeve's products give you a unique & cooling sensation when you use them. Enjoy the freshness and dryness of our products.

Smooth & Comfortable
Our products are designed to have an extra soft and  cottony surface that gives you an extremely comfortable experience throughout the day.

Thin & Absorbent
By using high quality and premium materials, our products are designed and manufactured to be ultra absorbent even thought they are very thin.

Pleasant herbal Scent
Padeve's products do not use amy artificial scent or chemicals. The herbs in our products naturally kerbs odour and give off a pleasant herbal scent.

Source : PadeveSG Brochure
  1. Super Soft Cottony Surface
  2. Ultra Absorbent Airlaid Paper
  3. Herbal Powder + Absorbent Gel
  4. Ultra Absorbent Airlaid Paper
  5. Waterproof Breathable Backsheet
Types of products
There are 4 types of products that are specially designed for your comfort.
  1. All Night
  2. Ultra Day
  3. Ultra Liners
  4. Ultra Night



6 Pads (Wing)


Soothing and not over powering.

My Thoughts
This herbal scented pad features extra long length and wider back with wings which help secure the pad in place. It has good absorbency, ventilation and soft. The thickness of the pad is not thick. It makes me feel comfortable and well protected whole night during my heavy bleeding and flow. 


20 Pads (Wing)


Soothing and not over powering.

My Thoughts
This herbal scented pad features just right length with wings which help secure the pad in place. It has good absorbency, ventilation and soft. The thickness of the pad is not thick. It makes me feel comfortable and confident whole day during my heavy bleeding and flow. I can do my daily activities and wear white or light colours without any fear.


30 liners


Soothing and not over powering.

My Thoughts
This herbal scented liner features lightweight without wings but with full length adhesive strip that stick on well. It has good absorbency, breathable and soft. The thickness of the pad is not thick. It make me feel super comfortable, fresh and odor free.


18 Pads with Wing


Soothing and not over powering.

My Thoughts
This herbal scented pad features not too long length and wider back with wings which help secure the pad in place. It has good absorbency, ventilation and soft. The thickness of the pad is not thick. It make me feel super comfortable and well protected whole night during my 3rd day of bleeding and flow.

The pads and liner stay in place and you won't feel even feel them. I did not experience any leakages or skin irritations at all. I can do my daily activities and sleep through the night without worry or fear. Each pad comes with adhesive strip that help the pad keep in place without running around. Don't worry it won't ruin your underwear when you pull it off.

Overall, these pads are thin, super comfortable, leakage proof, safe and affordable. So check this brand out, babes!


You can purchase all the above products from their website. Click the link - PadeveSG. Be sure to like their Facebook page and stay connected with their latest updates and offers!

You can try first before you buy. Request for their free sample here and they will send a pack consists of 1 Ultra Day and 1 Ultra liners straight to your mailbox.

Have you tried out this brand? 
If yes, share me your thoughts in the comment section below.

Disclaimer : Opinions expressed are solely based on my personal views. Images above taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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