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ALTHEA Beauty Box Unboxing

Hello Gorgeous! I am back with ALTHEA Beauty Box Unboxing and Mini Review! Woot! Woot! This time my ALTHEA Beauty Box is very heavy. I'm completely happy with I got from ALTHEA. Okay babes, I'm pretty sure you want to find out what I got from them, right? So without further ado, let's jump into everything!


This eye gel is suitable for all skin types. I have not tried it yet but most of my friends have been raving about it. So you know me, I need to jump on the bandwagon and I got one to try. Fret not babes! I will let you know about the results soon! So stay tuned for that.

Alrighty, I am still not happy with the visible small pores on my nose and cheeks. So I grabbed this toner because I heard good stuff about it. Well, again, I have not tried it yet and will let you know the results soon. hehehehe...... stay tuned for that! 

Aloe vera is a miracle plant. It can be used to treat different types of bites and skin disorders such as itching, redness, burning and many more. Aloe vera gel is 1 of my must-have beauty products. I use it on my armpits and legs after shaving. It helps to soothe skin irritation and moisturise the skin. This gel has a wobbly, soft, jelly-like texture and it has cooling effect when applied to skin.

I got this cleanser because of the facial cleansing brush. The bristles are super soft and gentle on the skin. I noticed that this cleanser and cleansing brush combo effectively removes dirt, grime and oils from the skin. It is very easy and quick to use. All you need to do is to wet the brush and squeeze some cleanser onto it. Use the brush in circular motions to gently massage across entire face for a few minutes. Rinse face with warm water and pat dry with soft towel. For the brush, be sure to rinse it with lukewarm water and squeeze out the excess water. My face feels clean, fresh and soft after every wash. No tight feeling, tingling or crawling sensation.

I don't like to use my powder puff more than 2 weeks. I always keep in stock a few powder puffs in my makeup drawer. So I can replace my used powder puff anytime. It's My Cushion powder puff is soft and easy to use. It gives you a flawless powder application.


Disclaimer : I am writing this post on my own accord for informational purposes only and no monetary compensation was given or received for this post. Opinions are based on my personal experience. Images above taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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