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Instant Facial Lift With EHA Crystal Lift Treatment

It's never too late or too early to start taking care of your skin, babes. Well, of course, the more you put effort to take care of your skin, the easier you banish all the problems and keep your skin in good shape. We need a facial once a month to maintain and keep your skin under control. Therefore, no matter how busy I am, I will make an effort to find time to run back to EHA skincare for skin care treatments. 

Recently, I tried out EHA Crystal Lift Treatment. specially developed for lifting sagging skin and lightening pigmentation. This product works on the superficial layers of the skin causing protein denaturation and the stimulation of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production. The acid strength of TCA drastically decreased thanks to its modulation with stabilising agents. This is the reason why epidermal cells remaim almost unaltered (the greatest skin reaction that may be obtained is a furfuraceous exfoliation).

Does it sound gorgeous to you? Yes? Alrighty, without further ado, let jump into the details!


As usual the facial began with double cleansing, followed by a nice and relaxing face and decollete massage with therapeutic essential oil. I'm pretty sure you already know that this massage helps to reduce lines, lift and firm facial muscles. After that, my therapist applied EHA peeling, followed by cool steaming for 10 mins. Next, the therapist threw another relaxing face, shoulder and upper back massage. I must say I felt so relax and all the soreness melted away instantly. Immediately, after the massage, she applied a high quality mask + vitamin for 20 mins.

After 20 mins, the therapist put on special gloves and worked the muscles along and under my jawline for a few minutes. The entire procedure took 90 minutes, and finished off with EHA toner, EHA eye cream, EHA moisturiser and EHA sun block.




My Thoughts
As usual, the entire facial experience was amazing and excellent. This treatment is perfect for someone who wants to lift sagging skin, tighten jowls and jawline and lighten pigmentation. I'm telling you babes, I noticed remarkable results after just 1 session of this treatment. Check out both images above. you can see the difference right?! It was really unbelievable experience. Woohoo! The reason why i picked out this treatment because I want to reduce my double chins and puffy cheeks. Too puffy like a puffer fish. Sigh... Oh, oh, guess what babes. After 90 minutes of this treatment, I gained a slimmer-looking face shape, brighter skin tone and smoother skin texture. I felt awesomely confident walking out of EHA Skincare.

If you are interested in experiencing the benefits of EHA Crytstal Lift Treatment, call them at 6235 3325 to book an appointment. 

Have you tried this treatment before? 
Leave your comments below.
Lotsa Love

Disclaimer : I was invited by EHA Skincare for this facial treatment trial for personal review purposes only. Opinions are based on my personal experience. No monetary compensation of any kind was given or received for this review. Images taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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