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Printcious : My Ultimate Favorite Online Customize Gift Store

Hello My Friends! Yeap, I'm back with another customized gift guide. If you have been following me here, you probably know that I always loved giving customized gifts to my loved ones. It's all about being creative and absolutely nice to have that special touch to gifts. They are unique and can be easily customized and purchase on Printcious

You guys know that I am a die hard of Printcious fan. At best they offer customized memorable gifts such as cushion, keychains, mugs and many more. This time around I got 3 customized gifts from them and here they are!


I am currently in the midst of redecorating my Dressing Room cum Office. I don't really need new furniture or paint. All I need is a unique decorative cushion with inspirational quote, to put on my office chair for extra comfort and boost my motivation to help me get started working on my projects. As you know, my current favorite inspirational quote is 'Be Fierce, Be Fearless', so I had this quote printed on my rectangular decorative cushion. Absolutely match my White, Black and Gold room theme. 

This customized decorative cushion is a gift from me to myself.


It's unbelievable a few unwanted things happened to me last year. My aunt helped me survive dark times. Thanks my dear aunt. I am going to surprise her with a special gift to express my deepest gratitude for the care she had given to me. So I got her a customized photo keychain. It is not expensive but meaningful gift. Well, it doesn't matter how much the gift should cost but it's the thought that counts.


The last item, I picked out a plain white coaster and again I need it to decorate my Dressing Room cum Office. You can customize it but I purposely picked out a plain and simple no design coaster. Why? It's because I want to decorate it with gold round sticker. Check it out below.

My Thoughts
The decorative cushion is made from good quality polyester and I'm impressed with the quality of the printing that they provided. The ink didn't smudge, fade or anything funny like that. They printed the image on the polyester material exactly what I wanted.

The photo keychain is made of stainless steel and comes with 5 shapes. I picked out heart shaped because it's Oh So Pretty! It came in a small black gift paper box packaging. Isn't it awesome!? I don't need to buy gift box or wrapper. I can just give it to my aunt and I'm sure she'll like it! OOooooh I can't wait to give it to her. 

The coaster is made of waterproof foam. You can choose your own design, image and color to customize your coaster. If you have no idea, you can also pick some cool designs from their library. I must say that I had a fun time customizing my gifts.

Overall, I'm completely satisfied with everything from packaging to quality of the products. Items were shipped promptly and securely packed without any damages. And of course, excellent customer service! Oh yes, Printcious is my ultimate favorite online customize gift store.

Ok guys if you wanna learn how to create your own gifts with personal touch-y / custom made gift, you can read more about it here

Alrighty, Have fun guys! - Precious Gifts From Your Heart

Leave a comment below if you will be creating your own gift for yourself.

Disclaimer : Products in this post were provided for personal review purposes only. Reviews are 100% honest and based on my personal experience. No monetary compensations of any kind was given or received for this review. Images above taken by me unless otherwise stated.


  1. Nice.. very interesting post about customize gifts, thanks for sharing such a great information.

    1. Thanks dear! You should check out their blog and maybe can get a customised gift for your loved ones!


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