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Pinky Paradise BLACK FRIDAY 2014 coupon code exclusively for you

Hello My Friends! 
Pinky Paradise Black Friday is finally here!! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!
Oooh yeah... Pinky Paradise Black Friday has graciously offered 50% coupon code exclusively for you! 
How cool is that!

Enter coupon code to enjoy the GREAT offer!
T&C apply (see below)

Terms & Conditions

  1. This code is only applicable to selected Black Friday discounted lenses only. Any other products such as cosmetics will not be included.
  2. Don't forget to insert coupon code "PPBLACKFRIDAY2014" on the check out page to get 50% off on selected products.
  3. This code will begin on 25th November 2014 and expired on 9th December 2014 (World Time).
  4. Strictly not allowed to share the code on coupon sharing sites or any similar sites.
  5. This code is only available for one time purchase per customer and has maximum limit USD200 per purchase.
  6. Pinky Paradise reserve the right to change, amend, delete or add to the activity terms & conditions without prior notice at any time.

Selected Products
All photos credit: Pinky Paradise

Head over to Pinky Paradise and snag yours now!

Lots of Love


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