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NUXE Prodigieuse Event @ Robinson's the Heeren

Hello My Beautiful Friends!
Recently, I attended NUXE Prodigieuse Event held at Robinson's the Heeren. 

The event consisted of an introduction to their true cult product, Huile Prodigieuse Multi Usage Oil followed by live demonstration on tips and tricks on how to apply this Multi Usage Oil on hair, face and body. In this event, I've learned something completely new to me!

So today's post, I wanna share a little bit about my wonderful experience at NUXE Prodigieuse Event!

Upon arrival, I was greeted by a friendly lady and ushered to my seat. As usual, I arrived way too early so I wandered around the event area snapping pictures and checking out Nuxe products on display. Mmm.... hmmmm...... Now, Look at the images below. These 2 products absolutely caught my eye and I really wanna own one of these Darlings or maybe both! Hmmmm......... 

Alright Dolls! Let's talk a little bit about Huile Prodigieuse Multi Usage Oil, shall we?

Huile Prodigieuse & Huile Prodigieuse OR

Basically, they are both Multi Purpose Dry Oil for face, body and hair. 
What's the difference between them?

Huile Prodigieuse OR
This product comes in 2 sizes of bottles, 50ml bottle and 100ml spray bottle. 

This multi purpose dry oil contains subtle golden glitter particles that impart a beautiful glow to your skin. It also helps to nourish, repair and soften face, body and hair.

Huile Prodigieuse
This product comes in 2 sizes of bottles, 50ml bottle and 100ml spray bottle. 

This multi purpose dry oil is a non-shimmery version. It helps to nourish, repair and soften the skin because it contains a unique ultra-concentrated composition of Precious Plant Oils and Vitamin E.
It is free of Silicone, Preservatives and mineral oils.


*For your information, 1 oil is sold every 6 seconds worldwide*

At the end of the event, each guest received a wonderful goodies bag filled with Nuxe Products!
Don't worry, I will be doing a separate post on Huile Prodigieuse & Huile Prodigieuse OR in the near future. So stay tuned for that, Darlings! 


Nuxe is available at all : Beauty by Nature (Ion Orchard, Parkway Parade, Vivocity), Robinsons, John Little, BHG & selected Watson's, Guardian, Sa Sa, Metro and Unity.

Have you tried any of NUXE products?
Leave a comment below.


  1. Nuxe products receive such good feedback from anyone and everyone who mentions them, so this must have been a fabulous event to attend! :)



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