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Alce Nero Blogger Cooking Event @ Food Playground ----------- 2 Recipes + Hamper + Goodie Bag

Hello My Beloved Friends. As promised, in this entry I'm gonna share 2 recipes from Food Playground and unpack Hamper and Goodie Bag with y'all. YAY!

This is gonna be an uber long blog entry. 
So without further ado, let's get ready and jump right in!


Let's unpack everything together, shall we?


(Photo Credit : alce nero)
1. Organic Balsamic Vinegar

2. Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

(Photo Credit : alce nero)
3. Organic Macaroni

(Photo Credit : alce nero)
4. Organic Tomato Sauce with Basil

(Photo Credit : alce nero)
5. Organic Chunky Tomato Puree Basil

(Photo Credit : alce nero)
6. Strawberry Jam

(Photo Credit : alce nero)
7. Organic Spaghetti


1. Organic Fusili Tricolore
2.Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3. Organic Chunky Tomato Puree
4. Pomodori Secchi
5. Organic Tomato Sauce with Basil
6. Organic Acacia Honey
7. Organic Spaghetti




(Recipe Credit : Food Playground)

1/2 package active dry yeast
1/2 tsp white sugar
1/2 cup warm water (45 degrees C)
1 1/4 cups bread flour
1 tablespoon olive oil
(Make 2 medium size pizza)

  1. In a medium bowl, rub in yeast with bread flour for about 8 minutes. Rub well to ensure even distribution.
  2. Add salt, sugar, water (For water, do not add all at once, keep aside about 1tbs for later) and olive oil into the dry ingredients. Knead a little to obtain a wet dough. 
  3. Pull the dough and fold to knead. The dough will be a little sticky but it will not stick excessively onto the board. Add the extra water into the dough if needed.
  4. Knead until dough is smooth. Let dough rest on a covered bowl in a fan baked oven mode at 40 degree C for about 15 - 20 mins.
  5. When dough has risen sufficiently divide the dough into two and flatten the dough into desired shape and thickness.
  6. Top pizza dough with desired sauce and toppings and send the pizza into a 220 degree c pre-heated oven for 10 - 12 mins.

Mushroom and Cheese Pizza

Tuna Pizza


(Recipe Credit : Food Playground)

For Laksa Pesto Paste:
1/2 pack laksa leaves
1 bulb garlic
1/4 teaspoon salt 
About 8 candlenuts

Other Ingredients:
250g spaghetti (cooked in salted boiling water)
2 tbs olive oil
Fish sauce to taste
About 2/3 cup coconut milk or just enough to make a thick sauce

Fish Cake
Laksa leaves
Chilli, extra virgin olive oil

  1. Remove laksa leaves from stems, cut laksa leaves and garlic into small pieces. Pound laksa leaves, garlic, nuts and salt until a smooth paste is formed (the hard nuts help break down the laksa leaves that may be stringy).
  2. Boil water for pasta. Add 1tbs salt into boiling water. Toss pasta into boiling water and cook as per instructions to al denta.
  3. If using fresh prawns, heat olive oil in pan and saute prawns till cooked. Set aside. Using the same pan, add more olive oil and fry the pesto paste. Take care not to burn the paste. Fry for about 3-5 minutes over medium to low heat.
  4. Stir in just enough coconut milk to make at thick sauce, add in fish sauce according to taste.
  5. Stir in spaghetti and toss to coat evenly. Drizzle extra virgin olive if needed and/or add a little pasta water if the noodles are too dry.
  6. Garnish with cooked prawns, laksa leaves, chilli and fish cake.


Me and my team. 
Myself, Mr Style King, Cynthia and Douglas.
Read more about the Event here - Alce Nero Blogger Cooking Event @ Food Playground


Thank you Food Playground for sharing your wonderful and original recipes.

Find out more about Food Playground

Facebook Food Playground
Address : 4A Craig Road, Singapore 089664

Thank you alce nero for the Awesome goodies!

Buy Alce Nero Products

Disclaimer: I was invited to attend the event as a blogger. I am not affiliated with the said brands and not getting paid for this post. Images above were taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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