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Alce Nero Blogger Cooking Event @ Food Playground

I spent my last Saturday morning at Food Playground learning how to create Italian Cuisine with an Asian Twist. 

Without further adieu, let's jump right in!


Upon my arrival, at the entrance, I was greeted by Mr Daniel Tan, owner of the Food Playground and Alce Nero Organizer. They were so friendly and made me feel like I have known them for years. Then, I walked inside and I can't help being impressed by the grandeur of the Food Playground. So homely, fun and somewhat a place I'd like to hang out with my fellow food lovers to learn and create new dishes! This is also a place where you can make new friends, share and exchange ideas about cooking. 

12 bloggers were invited to attend to this cooking event. Each bloggers received a goodie bag filled with Alce Nero products. There were also 4 hampers for the most creative team. I'm sure y'all wanna know which team won, right? Well, Keep on reading Yo! He..he..he...

It is important that chefs wear hats while fighting in the kitchen. Agree?
Now, in Food Playground, we have to decorate our chef hat, wear it and Rock 'N' Roll!

Alrighty, let's jump into the kitchen and .... Waachaa!!


These were the ingredients chosen to create Italian Cuisine with Asian Twist - Laksa Pesto Spaghetti and Home Made Pizza. I'll share both recipes in a separate posts soon. So keep checking back, Loves!

Instructor Noi demonstrated the art of working with the pizza dough. Note please, not kneading but working with the pizza dough. She shared some tips and tricks with us for making quick and easy homemade pizza.  I dread making pizza at home due to the time involved. Yeap, I'm a girl who loves to cook but I'm not a person who advocate time consuming and complex cooking methods. I just don't have the patience. I prefer to snore Muahahaha..... So now, there's no excuse for me not to make my own pizza at home. I'll share Noi's tips with y'all in a separate post soooooonnnnnnnn..... So keep checking back, Loves!


We, the Chefs, were divided into 4 groups to WAACHAA in the kitchen. Ahem...actually, we were not really WAACHAA in the kitchen. We were just having fun! 
Evidence? See images below.....

Me and my team. 
Cynthia, Myself, Douglas and Mr Style King.

Photo Source : Food Playground

Oh yeah..... our Yummy Creations.....

Photo Source : Food Playground


Alright Guys, Check out our creations below!
Don't be jelly... hehehe......

Laksa Pesto Spaghetti

Home Made Pizzazzzzz......

All the dishes were laid out on the table for judges to taste and evaluate our creations.
Dishes were evaluated based on appearance, creativity and taste.

Yoohoo..... We won Alce Nero Cooking Competition. 
Each of us received a generous Alce Nero hamper basket full of goodies. 
Plus a goodie bag filled with Alce Nero products.
Okay guys... I'll do a separate post on this with details soon. So keep checking back!


Alce Nero was started in the 1970's, when two cooperatives of young Italian farmers decided to undertake a new type of activity: one that would produce wholesome food while respecting the environment. By combining old farming methods with the most advanced research on health and the environment, Alce Nero pioneered the organic revolution.

For more 30 years, it has been producing good, safe, fair and sustainable food. Today, Alce Nero is the leading brand in Italy, growing to become a trademark worldwide.

Find out more about Alce Nero

Buy Alce Nero Products

Food Playground is a cooking school like no other. They are a group of like-minded, food loving people who believe that cooking should first and foremost be absolutely fun! The kitchen is a great place to connect with new people, discover new cultures and not forgetting to have fun, experimenting and experiencing! No chefs at Food Playground, their cooking instructors are friendly homegrown cooking talents who love to cook for their family and friends. Most importantly, they love to spread their passion for cooking with you. At Food Playground, you can experience hands-on cooking with a twist: a homely, fun and an unforgettable experience. Food Playground conducts cultural cooking classes as an avenue to preserve the Singapore food culture and heritage. Other programmes include corporate team building, nutritional cooking classes and private events.

Find out more about Food Playground

Facebook : Food Playground
Address : 4A Craig Road, Singapore 089664

So please keep checking back for the recipes.

Disclaimer: I was invited to attend the event as a blogger. I am not affiliated with the said brands and not getting paid for this post. Images above were taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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