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McDonald's New Breakfast


Hello Chicas, do you eat breakfast or skip it?  It is advisable not to skip breakfast.  For those who always skip breakfast, you should ditch that habit now!  Why? Well, skipping breakfast leads to binge eating later in the day and other health problems.  Listen, don't deprive your body to take in essential nutrients, start your day right and eat breakfast!  

Guess what??.... I was invited to the McDonald's food tasting blogger event, for McDonald's new breakfast items at Ang Mo Kio Park.  Let me tell y'all, this is the best McDonald's ever.  An awesome ambiance surrounded by nature.  Okay, let's have a Mini Tour, shall we?

24hrs McDonald's Ang Mo Kio and McCafe with children's playground.

Drive-thru kiosk

Ooh La La Yummy Yummerz  .......I want to try them all!
I'm salivating over the photos on the drive-thru menu. 

New Breakfast Menu
McDonald's has launched new Breakfast Menu *Drum Roll Please* 
Hotcakes with two brand new Toppings + Chicken Muffin with Cheese + Hot Hash Brown + Their new richer, bolder premium roast Coffee = Tears of Happiness ..Uh-Hum
Photo Courtesy by McDonalds
Strawberry and Hot Fudge Hotcakes
You can have a sweet start to your day with fluffy Hotcakes, now available with two brand new toppings - strawberry or hot fudge.  It is simply pure indulgence!  The strawberry or hot fudge hotcakes meals are available for $5.50 (price listed is not applicable at iFly and via McDelivery)

Photo Courtesy by McDonald's
Chicken Muffin
Deliciously tender chicken crisped to perfection in a soft toasted muffin with cheese, enjoyed with a golden brown, and their new richer, bolder premium roast coffee.  The Chicken Muffin Breakfast Meal is available for $4.00 (price listed is not applicable at iFly and via McDelivery)

Food Tasting Session & Bloggers
Upon arrival, I was greeted by a lovely and friendly host and ushered into their private party room filled with a group of friendly Bloggers.
Beautiful Bloggers

Whoa, every one of us got a box of McDonald's Food Strap Complete Set (Limited Edition), The Egg Mascot & Free treats.  Cool...

Ta-daaaaa, McDonald's Food Strap Complete Set! So cute!

Of course, I love free treats, we all love free treats.
McDonald's FlashPay Card, Yay!

The Hotcakes and The Toppings
Oh Yeah! The Hotcakes were served with two brand new Toppings -  Strawberry and Hot Fudge.

I mixed the two toppings together, poured over the Hotcakes and enjoyed them.

The Chicken Muffin & Hash Brown
Oooooh .... Come to Momma!

Oh yeah, so goooood........ don't be jelly.

About "Get Up & Go" Campaign
On 18 March 2013, McDonald's generously gave away 100,000 free Egg McMuffins island-wide, and a total of some five million Egg McMuffins were given away in Asia, the Middle East and Africa.


Ms Phyllis Cheung, Managing Director of McDonald's Restaurants (Singapore) said, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and on National Breakfast Day, we want to energise everyone's morning and give them the fuel to Get Up and Go.  Breakfast is also one of the fastest growing meal segments in Singapore and over the years, customers have shown us how much they enjoy our breakfast menu.  National Breakfast Day was our way of thanking our customers for making a McDonald's breakfast the start of their day."

What an Awesome Event!  Thank you Janet Omy and McDonald's Singapore for inviting me.

Remember guys, do not skip your breakfast.
Grab McDonalds Fluffy Hotcakes with two brand new Toppings and Chicken Muffin now. Yum!


Disclosure : I received free food from McDonald's mentioned in this post for tasting and free complimentary products . I am not affiliated with said brand and not getting paid for this post.  Images above were taken by me unless otherwise stated.


  1. Yum!! looks like fun! I work at McDonald's In Australia and we don't have any of those breakfasts!
    They look so good too!

    1. Come to Singapore, we can have breakfast together here.
      That would be awesome!

  2. Yum! Would totally have loved that taste testing adventure!

  3. Wow! McDo's looks NOTHING like that where I live (the land of strip malls aka America). I'm actually jealous of your McDonald's excursion! Your food looks much more appetizing than any of the fried goodies we're served in the states! I came across your blog and am your newest follower. I would love if you’d visit me at : the daily savant : and (if you like) follow with GFC and Blog Lovin'!

    : signe

    1. Don't be jelly hehehe....Awww thanks Hun! Thanks for the follow.
      I'm heading to you now...

  4. Followed ya back on GFC and Bloglovin :)

  5. Well it looks nice on the pictures, haha. I would loveeee to try the pancakes out!


  6. That looks like such a fancy McDonalds!! Usually coffee is my breakfast :)

    Pearls & Paws

    1. I prefer tea though but coffee with milk will do too. :)

  7. Wow....all of that food sure looks good, Rena! Wish it were a part of my ongoing diet! lol! Thanks for stopping by Heaven's Walk and leaving your sweet comment. I'm your newest follower. :)

    xoxo laurie

  8. Wow - what a great location for the McDonalds! I love McD's breakfast and that looks pretty fantastic! :)

  9. Hey Beautiful! I'm Christina from StarftshsBlog and I nominated you for an award! Go to to see my page and to see your nomination!

    1. Awww...thank you Christina! Will check it out soon.

  10. Awww...thank you Christina! Will check it out soon.

  11. looks like a delicious breakfast!!

  12. Thanks for inviting me over Rena! Wow! McD's in Singapore.. WAY more beautiful than the ones in Calif.! How fun to meet with a bunch of blogger friends. xo

  13. Love your blog! Following you on GFC, twitter, and facebook:) ciao!

  14. Thanks Doll! I'm heading to you now.

  15. love your blog! thank you for the following. followed u back on Twitter, GFC, Bloglovin, and FB. :) thanks a lot for the visit!

    1. Love your blog too! Thanks for following back Hun!

  16. yummy! i love breakfast. ♥

  17. Wish that will be available here in the Philippines!
    Followed you back btw. Thanks for following! Hope we can be friends! x

    The Feisty Mamma ♥

    1. But no Adobo here :(
      Sure Hun! We can bff!:)

  18. That McDonalds looks like its in a really nice location! Oh and pancakes ...awesome!!!

    1. Oh pancakes, the strawberry, the hot fudge...Yum!


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