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How To : DIY Towel Holder

Honey,  I love DIY projects!  I love creating and created things by me. Why, uh-hum?  It's because DIY gives me tremendous satisfaction!Satisfied

Okay, I agree. DIY projects can help you save some money, but there are obvious caveats. It's really depend on what you are DIY'ing.  Don't waste your $$ on unnecessary stuff, just spend on tools and supplies that you absolutely need. Also, please remember, you don't have to spend a bomb on tools and supplies for your DIY projects.  On the other hand, if you wanna save more $$, grab whatever old stuff you have around the house and use them. I'm talking about old stuff here, not your boyfriend's favorite shirt or mom's new drapes, okay.  Just don't mess around with their stuff unless you want to be eaten alive.  If you are looking for vintage or unique items, visit your local thrift stores, explore the aisles and get whatever you like!

Anyhoo, yoohoo, lemme stop rambling now and show ya'll how to make a towel holder for your bathroom or kitchen.  Let's get started, shall we?
Ear to Ear Smiling

Things You Need :
  1. 1 round acrylic bag handle 
  2. A few couple of small ribbon flowers (Any color)
  3. Ribbon (I used satin but you can use any type of ribbon)
  4. Double sided tape
  5. Scissors
  6. Hot glue gun & glue stick
Instructions :
1.  Wrap the ribbon around the acrylic bag handle and secure with double sided tape

2.  Take the end of the ribbon, form a loop and secure with double sided tape to form a hanger.

3.  Next, hot glue a couple of small ribbon flowers and attach them below the hanger loop to cover up the join. 

5.  Voila!  Now you have a lovely new towel holder!

So what do you think of this tutorial?  Leave your comments below. 


  1. Rena, thank you lovely for stopping by my page! I'm following you back on GFC and bloglovin. Can't wait to see more of your posts. Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog. :)


  2. Saying hi from ladies holiday- that's such a great idea to dress up an ordinary spot!
    Thanks for linking up on the photo Friday blog hop. Have a spunky weekend ;)

  3. great idea!!! very easy to make :) have a great weekend!

  4. What a great idea. This is a cute project and it is much better than the plain hangers you buy.

    Handmade at Warratahstree

  5. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog and for the follows....following you now via GFC and Bloglovin'. Cute towel holder!

  6. Hey Rena!
    Thanks for dropping by my blog! I'm definitely following you back and looking forward to connecting!

    Very cute DIY!! Love it!


  7. Nice tutorial, and I agree why spend the $ if you already have the stuff sitting around the house. :) This turned out great.

    I'm visiting today from the Raising Imperfection hop.

  8. What a super simple tutorial and a clever way to spice up a towel rack!!

    Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection.
    Please come back Friday to see if you were featured. :)

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

    1. Thanks for dropping by.
      I will definitely come back to see it

  9. Very cute and such an easy DIY!

    Thank you for linking up to Raising Imperfection!
    Make sure to check back on Friday to see if you were featured.

  10. Pretty and simple. I love it!

    Stopping by from Raising Imperfection!

  11. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I can't wait to follow your posts as well!

  12. Thank you so much for stopping by and introducing yourself, it's always nice to meet new people! This project is beyond clever... I love your creativity and spunk!

  13. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog... following you back :)

  14. This is really cute and clever. Thanks for stopping by and following. Im now following you via GFC and Linky.
    Have a greeat day!
    Holly's Stamping Addiction


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