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March 2013 Photo A Day Challenge

Hey Lovelies!  Have y'all heard of the Photo A Day Challenge?  If yes, have y'all participated in these challenges before?  If not, it's okay because I just learned about it from Fat Mom Slim in February 2013. Well, I'm pleased to say that I participated in the 'March 2013 photo A Day Challenge'.  I chose to do a wrap up of all the photos at the end of the month and share them with y'all today!  Let's Rock 'N' Roll!

  1. L is for... Lamp Post.
  2. I made this!... My DIY Bling Pendant Necklace. 
  3. Key... Found my key in here? Hmmmm....
  4. Lucky.... Got this on my 21st Birthday from one of my Besties.
  5. Under... a huge unfriendly tree in front of my house.  
  6. Chair.... Got it from IKEA.
  7. Fear... Moth! 
  8. Favourite.... hangout spot. My mini library and inspiration corner in my bedroom
  9. Faceless self-portrait... my fingers & stick on nail polish.
  10. I want... more, more and more crystals 
  11. Important.... Kitchen Makeover Project. Pops of color any & everywhere. 
  12. In the distance.... Sunny clouds
  13. Sound.... Stay away from me. Meeeeowww.....
  14. Tasty.... My own creation: Garlic Seafood Farfalle.
  15. Explore..... A small artificial bird in my bedroom.  Oh well, it must be my mom ....
  16. 9 o'clock.... Working on my projects, proposal and listings.
  17. Green ... My DIY green belt bracelet.
  18. Shoes.... One of my faves, My Gladiator heels!
  19. A sign... Handmade + handpainted wooden kitchen sign.
  20. Clean.... Yum!!
  21. Working.... Ceiling Fan. It's hot in here! 
  22. About you..... I love Chandeliers.  Can't get enough of them!
  23. What you do for fun..... DIY!
  24. Up.... Ceiling light.
  25. In your drawer.... My haven Chest drawer from IKEA. 1. Stationery
  26. Something you did... I gobbled up the food!
  27. Pair... Running shoe....running....running...
  28. In the mirror.... My framed cross stitch
  29. Goodnight.... A cup of tea, Granola & a good book before Z..z...z..z.
  30. Relax.... Bvlgari Eye mask(Gel Cooling Pad)
  31. Stuff.... Fave Stuffed Teddy Bear

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoyed seeing my photos!


  1. thank you for the follow and love ur blog xx

    sharing the blog love from taras treats xx

  2. Hi Rena! Thank you for your comment and follow! I'm am now following you! I hope you had a great weekend!
    P.S. This looks like a fun challenge :-)

    1. Thank you Hun!
      Yup, it's fun. Come and join in the fun.

  3. Great idea. I just bought a new camera. I should try this. It would be great practice

  4. this photo challenge looks fun. wish we had ikea here!

  5. New follower of your blog... that is pretty neat how you did a photo challenge for this month very neat! Thank you so sharing the amazing photos :)

    1. Thank you Joelle!
      Will share more with ya'll soon.

  6. Nice work on completing this challenge, you took great pictures!

    Pearls & Paws

  7. Thanks Love for loving this. Thanks for the follow Hun.
    Followed you back. :)

  8. Great pictures!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog!


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