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Photo Diary 2013 : March Favorites

Hey Lovelies!  It's time for my monthly favorites post.
Alrighty then, here are some of my favorites for the month of March.

Rainbow and Stars Why, Helloo There Sunshine  Rainbow and Stars My DIY : A pair of Drop Bling Bling Earrings  Rainbow and Stars Black Box - Free Beauty Sample Box   Rainbow and Stars est.lab Sunshield SPF 50. Love it & got it from Black Box  Rainbow and Stars Breakfast with Love...... Yum!  Rainbow and Stars Green Limes Rainbow and Stars Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars Rainbow and Stars Norway Fridge Magnet  Rainbow and Stars Pop of color in my Kitchen : Lime Neon Green & Bright Neon Orange Cube Cabinets  Rainbow and Stars Lime Neon Green & Neon Pink Fork & Spoon Holders and DIY Hand-Painted Geen Soap Dispenser  Rainbow and Stars Bright Neon Orange Wall Clock and Bright Colorful Wall Decal  Rainbow and Stars Red & Green Stainless Steel Cooking Pots, Bright Neon Blue Whistle Kettle and Colorful Cooking Utensils  Rainbow and Stars Inspiration Board and Mini Library in my Bedroom.

So tell me, what's your March Favorite?
Follow me via Bloglovin'


  1. Love the idea of recapping your month in photos. Very cool.

  2. I think this is a great idea! I love "recaps" of past posts--it's a great way to let readers catch up! I'm following on GFC and Bloglovin--thanks for visiting--looking forward to your posts!

    1. Thanks Angela! Looking forward to your posts too.

  3. I love the colors on those stainless steel pots!

    1. Yeah, I always use those pots for cooking. Pot-motivation :)

  4. Thanks for the follows! Following back. I love your pictures. Looks like we have a lot in common! Stacie xo

  5. Hi Rena,
    thank you for follow me ♥
    Your march favorits are so lovely, so colored, made me smile! :-)
    Wish you a nice day

    Visit my blog:

    1. Hey Moni
      Thank you for following back!
      I'm happy that you like my march faves & made you smile.
      Wish you a nice day too

  6. Cute cat girl!
    I really like the decoration in your bedroom!
    Have a great weekend :)
    xo Lily

  7. Thanks so much for stopping by! Now following via bloglovin! Hope you have a good weekend

  8. I LOVE all of the beautiful color! Those earrings turned out beautifully.

  9. My March favourite is that it is now officially summer in the UK - just switching the clocks to British Summer Time :)

  10. Hi there - following you back! It was great reading through some of your recent posts!


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