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4 Essential Items To Stay Healthy in the Time of COVID-19

The outbreak of COVID-19 may be overwhelming and stressful for everyone, including me. COVID-19 has spread rapidly around the world, we NEED to stay vigilant and to adopt good personal and environmental hygiene practices. Please, please, please do not forget to wash your hands after sneezing, coughing or touching any surfaces outside of your home. Don't be naughty yah! Do it!

Whether you are in your house, in the office or running errands, there are 4 quintessential items that you should always carry with you at all times. From where to get the items to the benefits, the following list of 4 essential items will help to protect you and prevent the spread of viruses.


Take your temperature with a thermometer two times a day and write it down on your chart. 
Please see your doctor and stay at home if you are not feeling well.


One of the best items to keep you safe is Hand Sanitizer. Germs are everywhere so you have to bring a bottle of hand sanitizer wherever you go yaaaaaahhh!!!!

Please note guys. After using hand sanitizer, it is best to wash hands with soap and water prior to eating, touching or handling food. 


Ok guys... cleaning all surface areas followed by disinfection is a best practice. 
Just spray the Surface Sanitizer onto surface, wipe the surface with a clean cloth and allow it to dry. 
Surface will be protected for up to a period of 6 hours!

#4 - HONEY

2 teaspoons of honey per day is good for you and it is the best way to get your sugar fix.
Summer Lychee Honey is one of my faves! Their honey is 100% pure and unpasteurized, it may set over time. 

I will start my morning with a warm tea of lemon and honey. 
It helps my body to naturally flush out unwanted toxins! You should try it out!

Head over to & to find out their other products! 

Have you tried any of their products? 
If yes, leave your comments below.

Disclaimer : Opinions expressed are solely my own. Images above were taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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