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Healthy Lifestyle With Puressentiel Range

Hello My Beautiful Friends! A long while ago, I received these products to try at home. Yeap, it took me a while to write this review because I need to finish the products and see the results. I've finished these 3 guys, took me almost year ... mmmhmmm... not kidding yo!

So yeah, today I'm going to share my thoughts on them with you babes. 
Without further ado, let's jump into the review, shall we?


The Puressentiel range offers a wide variety of health, comfort and wellbeing products containing essential oils with proven and scientifically recognised capabilities. They contain essential oils in just the right amounts to ensure complete safety of use. They are made from ingredients of 100% natural origin and BBDEO Essential Oils (Botanically and Biochemically Defined Essential Oils), which are 100% pure and natural - contain no colorants - no preservatives - no synthetic fragrances - no mineral oils.

The Puressentiel Joints range has been formulated to help to quickly relieve joint pain, relax and soothe muscle contractures. The relaxing, anti-stiffness and anti-swelling properties of these 14 essential oils, coupled with the hear-affect (Patches), muscle relaxing effect (Bath), or massage (Roller, Gel and soothing Balm), guarantee immediate soothing and a lasting calming effect.

The Puressential Joints range is recommended for athletes (before and after exercise), and people with isolated or recurrent sensations of pain (occuring with age).

Puressentiel Joints Range

Soothing Balm 

Puressentiel Joints Range
Soothing Balm 
Contains 14 Essential Oils. 100% Natural Pure Active
30 ml - 1,01 fl. oz
Made in France

  • Formula 100% natural origin
  • Dye-free
  • Preservative-free
  • Synthetic perfume-free
  • Mineral oil -free
Aromatherapy Based Product

Directions and Cautions For Use
  • Apply the balm to sensitive areas, 3 times  a day. 
  • Massage muscles and joints and well-absorbed. 
  • Wash hands after use.
  • Not recommended for children less than 7 years old, pregnant, breastfeeding women or people with a history of seizures or epilepsy. 
  • External use only.


The balm comes in a round jar with screw cap.

A little bit strong menthol scent.

Waxy and oily.

My Preferred Application Technique
  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Apply onto affected areas 2 times per day.

My Thoughts
The balm contains menthol, it makes me feel fresh after applying. I rub the balm and apply a little pressure onto the affected areas. After a while you will feel cooling and freshness sensation. It does help alleviate muscle and joint pain. The smell is quite strong so I only apply it before bed time. 

Puressentiel Muscles & Joints Range
Articulations & Muscles 
Puressentiel Muscles & Joints Range
Articulations & Muscles 
14 Essential Oils. 100% Natural Pure
75 ml - 2,65 fl.oz
Made in France

EOBBD (Essential Oils Botanically and Biochemically Defined) 100% pure and natural.
Tolerance tested - Non photo-sensitizing - Non photo-irritating - Dye-free - Preservative-free - No artificial fragrance - No mineral oils

The Muscles & Joints roller is recommended for athletes (before and after exercise) and for those suffering from acute or chronic muscle and joint pain (stiff neck, back pain, muscle contractions, aches and pains, stiffness etc).

Directions for Use
  • Shake the roller well before applying to painful muscles or joints (back, neck, shoulders, elbows,, wrists, hands, hips, knees, thighs, calves, ankles, feet etc) 3 times per day.
The rolling ball massager is ideal for massaging painful areas  to promote muscle relaxation. You can always use more of the product and finish with a manual massage. Wash hands after use.



The product comes in a white bottle with screw cap and rolling ball massager.

Scent with spices but not overpowering.

Lightweight and slightly watery.

My Preferred Application Technique
  • Apply on the affected areas 2 times per day with the rolling ball massager.
My Thoughts
I'm not so much fan of spices, somewhat woodsy notes but for this product, I find still okay. It's because it doesn't hit my sinus and migraine point. No sneezing, headache or any negative reaction whatsoever. The plus point on this product, we don't have to use our hands to apply the product onto the affected areas. The product comes in a bottle with rolling ball massager. You can roll the ball onto the affected areas using a little or more pressure. It is very convenient. You can apply it anytime, anywhere.

Puressentiel Purifying
Puressentiel Purifying 
Air Spray
41 Essential Oils. 100% Natural Pure
200 ml - 6,75 fl.oz
Made in France

  • Get rid of mites, germs (bacteria, viruses, microscopic fungi), unpleasant odours, etc)
  • Limit sources of allergies
  • Breathe purer air
  • Acarcidal 
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-viral
  • Antifungal
EOBBD essential oils (Essential Oils Botanically and Biochemically Defined)
Essential oils and bioalcohol: 100% natural origin Dye-free-Preservative-free-Synthetic perfume free

  • Solution can be sprayed in the air - 6 to 8 sprays (3 to 5 ml) in the four corners of the room to be purified.
  • Several times per day and particularly at night before bed.
  • This product can be sprayed onto carpets, bedding and other surfaces. (carry out a preliminary test).


The purifier comes in a long bottle with misting spray top and cap.

Combination of aromatic blending of florals, herbs and spices.

My Preferred  Way To Use
  • Spray at your desired location.
My Thoughts
As you I mentioned earlier, I am suffering from sinusitis and migraines. I NEED to be careful when choosing fragrances or any scented products. So when I was introduced to this purifying air spray, I was leery on this product but I gave it a try. I sprayed in my bedroom, and hey I didn't sneeze at all. I must say that this air spray helps to eliminate kitchen or bathroom odors. 


Puressential products are available Beauty by Nature stores. Be sure to like Puressentiel on facebook and stay connected with their latest updates. 

Have you tried any of Puressentiel's products? 
If yes, leave your comments below.

Disclaimer : Opinions expressed are solely based on my own personal views. Images above were taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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