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Duo Advance Treatment With Slimming 101

Hello My Friends! I had the chance to try out Slimming 101's Duo Advance Treatment at their outlet at Hougang Mall.

When I first arrived, I was promptly greeted by the therapist, Lynn and was served a cup of tea. Next, Lynn invited me to change into a robe, put my things into a locker and proceeded to a room to take and record my vital signs, height and weight. After that, I was led into a wet room and she instructed me to sit in the steam room filled with essential oil such as Lavender for a couple of minutes. This was really the start to a very relaxing session!

Next, Lynn led me to treatment room where she explained that she would be working on my problem area ie my tummy. Soon after that, the duo advance treatment began. During the treatment, Lynn explained every session with detail and what she was working on.

During the first few minutes, she used this high-tech slimming machine to break down the stubborn fats around my tummy. The machine was emitting a loud annoying beeping sound, but Lynn told me not to be alarmed as the beeps meant that fats have detected and melted. This non-invasive treatment was absolutely pain free with no downtime and immediate results. You can even do this treatment during lunch time if you're busy (like me) or after work.

For the next session, another therapist, Maggie walked into the room and began massaging me using Slimming 101's Sigmature Meridian Therapy. She applied pressing techniques to specific acupressure points to further break down stubborn fats and increase drainage through the lymphatic nodes. It also helps to promote one's metabolism rate, reduce the size of actual fat chamber and significantly improves the body contour.

After the acupressure session, an amazing mud mask made with grade premium botanical ingredients such as rosemary, lavender, white thyme, citron fruits, cinnamon leaves, juniper sage, peppermint, capsicum, black pepper and ginger, was applied all over my body, hands and legs and left for a few minutes. These ingredients help to allow clients to lose excess weight and fats in safe, painless and effective ways.

Cinnamon leaves, Rosemary and White Thyme play a vital role in Slimming 101's treatment procedures. Why? Because : 
  • Cinnamon leaves help dissolve cellulite by dilating capillary vessels
  • Rosemary activates lymphatic nodes to enhance drainage and blood circulation
  • White thyme acts as a tonic with anti-inflammatory properties.
A few minutes later, Maggie helped me to the clean shower area for a bath to remove the herbs dried on my body, hands and legs.

At the end of the treatment, I was led back to the examination room and took my weight and vital signs again. Although my weight remained the same, I lost 0.7cm around my waist, 0.5cm upper abdomen and 04cm at my lower abdomen. Overall, I really enjoyed this relaxing treatment and felt so light when I walked out slimming 101. You might think that the inch-loss is due to water retention but don't forget, my weight did not change.

Besides is being so relaxing, what I really liked about Slimming 101 was that they used natural ingredients while still utilising the latest technology to help us melt away stubborn fats in a safe way. Naturally, I was advised to have a healthy diet and to exercise but this treatment is really good for those areas that just doesn't seem to want to go away!

If you need to erase inches off your waist, tummy or any parts of your body immediately in a safe way, Slimming 101 is the best place to visit SWAG guide members will get a special discounted trial rates @ $48 w/GST (Usual Price : $650). Not a SWAG Guide member yet? Sign up and book this service now!

Lotsa Love

Disclaimer : I was invited for the complimentary treatment trial session for personal review purposes only. No monetary compensation of any kind was given or received for this review.


  1. It was really nice to read article written on this blog.
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    Slimming Machine


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