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7th Meditrina Partners' Appreciation Dinner

OMG! I recently had the pleasure to attend the exclusive, by invitation only, 7th Meditrina Partners' Appreciation Dinner held at Orchard Hotel. The theme was "Let's Go Bling Bling". Say whaaat? Bling Bling?? Mm..hmmm....Alright guys, by now y'all should know that I am a big advocate of Bling Bling, so I was uber thrilled to be the invited guest to celebrate the party and decked out from head to toe in Bling Bling!

The Bling Bling evening was incredible filled with glamour, glitz, entertainment, good food, mirth, laughter and joy. The party was held in the ballroom. I was floored by how gorgeous and classy the venue was! Here are some lovely pictures I snapped from the dinner party.

Glitz and Glamour ambiance

A goodie bag filled with 2 oranges placed on each seat for each guest.

Elegant table setting.for special guests.

I opted for the halal menu. The dinner featured sumptuous 8 course meal.

The course meal consisted of sweet, spicy and savory dishes :-
~ Prosperity Fresh Salmon and Crispy Fish Skin 'Lo Hei' Yu Sheng


~ Spicy Sour Seafood Soup


~ 'Hot' Fried Beef


~ Fresh Brocolli with Mixed Mushrooms


~ Roasted Marinated Chicken with Achar


~ Deep-Fried Sea Bass with Black 'Tauchu'


~Wok Fried Spicy Yellow Noodle with Chicken and Vegetable


~ Chilled Almond Bean Curd with Longan


'Lo Hei' Yu Sheng was served as part of the 8 course dinner. The dinner started with 'Lo Heo' Yu Sheng followed by the sumptuous meal. It was my second time trying out 'Lo Hei' Yu Sheng. It came with a variety of shredded ingredients, fresh salmon, crispy fish skin and 2 types of sauces

The emcee asked everyone at the table to stand up, mix the ingredients and sauces together, and toss them in the air (the higher the toss, the better the fortune) and said well wishes. After that, everyone sat down and helped themselves to the 'Lo Hei' Yu Sheng. The ingredients were so fresh and generous. The 'Lo Hei' Yu Sheng was so tasty, with the perfect balanced between sweet and sour.


Spicy Sour Seafood Soup

Roasted Marinated Chicken with Achar

Fresh Brocolli with Mixed Mushrooms

'Hot' Fried Beef

Wait a minute! Ooopsss sorry guys, I forgot to snap the pictures of Deep-Fried Sea Bass with Black 'Tauchu', Wok Fried Spicy Yellow Noodle with Chicken and Vegetable and Chilled Almond Bean Curd with Longan. AnyhooAll the dishes were pleasing to my palate except Brocolli because I hate Brocolli. I shared the Brocolli dish with my fellow bloggers who sat at the same table with me. Heheheh.....

While eating guests were entertained with a lion dance performance, contest, games and lucky draw.


Snapshot of me and Herine, blogging and circuit training buddy. She was too engrossed in talking with someone hehehehe.....

Photo Credit : Herine
Had a great time with Herine and Pooja.

Photo Credit : Merryl
With Merryl, my blogging and circuit training buddy.

Photo Credit : Merryl

Photo Credit : Merryl

With Merryl and Zerika. .

Oh yes! Each guest received hongbao filled with a piece of TOTO ticket and yeah.... I didn't win.

Thank you Herine and Meditrina for having me to your fabulous appreciation dinner party!
I had a great time and enjoyed myself at the party!

Lotsa Love

Disclaimer : I am writing this post on my own accord for informational purposes only and no monetary compensation was given or received for this post. Opinions are based on my personal experience. Images above taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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