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Irresistible Me Hair Extensions Review

Irresistible Me is based in the Fashion District in New York. They provide the highest quality and 100% Remy human hair clip-in hair extensions at great prices, hair accessories and hair tools. Have you dolls tried this amazing brand? 

So yeah, it was my first time, so I had no idea what to expect but extremely pleased and satisfied with them. Well, without further ado, let's jump straight into everything, shall we?


My hair extensions arrived packaged carefully in a pretty black box. It is completely reusable since the box is sturdy and durable. I don't have to worry where or how to store my hair extensions. I can simply reuse their packaging box for storing my hair extensions.

The hair extensions all rolled neatly and packed into a full sealed transparent bag. Make sure you check the color before opening the sealed bag, as they are non-refundable. 


They specialize in six different types of clip-in extensions - Signature Weft, Silky Touch, Royal Remy Hair, Volume Vixen, Highlights and Ponytails. They offer a wide selection of shade options - from Silky Jet Black (#1) to Silky Rosewood (#99J).

Photo Credit : Irresistible Me
Photo Credit : Irresistible Me
Photo Credit : Irresistible Me

Alrighty dolls, take a peek at this video below that shows you all the available colors they have. In this video, they show each color side by side so that you can compare and see the differences and be able to choose the right color that matches your hair easily.

Tutorial Credit : Irrisistible Me


I chose 22 inches, 220g Silky Natural Black (#1b). These hair extensions are easy to apply, wash, style, cut and color. My hair extensions pack came with 10 pieces consist of 1 pc of 4  clips (7.5"), 2 pcs of 3 clips (6"), 5 pcs of 2 clips (4"), 2 pcs of 1 clip (1.2"). 

These hair extensions are easy to apply because the clips are made from strong metal that will not damage or break easily. The clips grip well onto hair and securely stay put without dancing around or drop. 

They really look natural and blend well with my natural hair. They don't look fake and absolutely easy to care and maintain. Yes I really love the texture of the hair extensions. They feel so soft and silky. I can easily style them whatever I want! So yeah, so stay tuned for the step by step tutorial I will be sharing with you dolls soon!  

If you dolls wanna get good quality hair extensions, I highly recommend Irresistible Me!


Disclaimer : Products in this post were provided for personal review purposes only. Reviews are 100% honest and based on my personal experience. No monetary compensation of any kind was given or received for this review. Images taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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