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Passhen Beauty Week : Basic Gel Manicure Workshop

Passhen Beauty Week 2015 kicked off in style from 16 to 21 November. If you babes have been following me here, you probably know that I got a workshop pass! This allowed me to attend 3 workshops of my choice - (#1.Basic Gel Manicure Workshop, #2. Shape Your Windows to Your Soul & #3. Beauty Secrets from the Kitchen). Guess what babes? I just can't get enough of workshops so I purchased a ticket Japanese Cosplay Makeup Magic workshop. The workshops were all really fun, informative and interactive. 


So today's post is about my wonderful experience on Basic Gel Manicure Workshop, held at The Pink Room International Nail Academy

The workshop was consisted of 2 live tutorial demos of the gel nail (basic and art design) application and nail extension procedures + interactive hands-on experience session. 




The expert trainer taught us how to draw a penguin. Yeap, I did manage to draw a perfect penguin on my nail! OMG! I never thought I could do it. I will try to draw other animals on my nails and show them on my Instagram soon. Keep your eyes peeled for that ...hhehehhehehe.......

Alright Babes! Check out these penguins! So cute, right?


My life is not complete without shopping! I bought these 3 items for very cheap price.
For your information, The Shoppink Room is having a Year End Clearance Sale up to 90% off.
The Shoppink Room is the best place to get all your nail products in one go!

Thank you Melissa from Passhen for organizing this amazingly fun workshop!
I had a great time learning techniques, tips and tricks from the experts.

In my next post, I'll write about my awesome workshop experience on Shape Your Windows to Your Soul.
Stay tuned for that!

Lots of Love

Disclaimer : I am writing this post on my own accord for informational purposes only and no monetary compensation was given or received for this post. Opinions are based on my personal experience. Images above taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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