Honestly babes! This is all about me.
I hate exercising.
I hate running.
I love my bed.
I love my laptop.
I love my potato chips.
I know, I know, I've been living in a very unhealthy lifestyle!
Sigh...... When I began to gain weight, feel tired and shortness of breath easily after chasing a bus or screaming and running away from a cockroach, I realized I needed to jump back on the fitness wagon and get back into shape. I know I've got to correct my unhealthy relationship with lazy and food. So I decided to add Circuit Training into my weekly workout schedule.

With zero idea how to get started, I was introduced to this Ladies Circuit Training Class by my fellow blogger Herine. So last Sunday, I hit Kevin Chiak's ActiveYouth Fitness GYM and pumped up the circuit training workout jam, together with Herine and some other fellow bloggers.

Classes designed and conducted by Kevin Chiak, took place in a spacious, airy environment, where all the dumbbells and other equipment lined up neatly near both (left/right) sides of the walls and booming music that pumped up my desire to workout.
As soon as I arrived there, we started the workout drills without taking any breaks. Oh yeah, you heard me (or read me) right darlings! We did pushups, situps, squats, cardio and dumbbell workouts. In this Circuit Training Class, we moved from station to station and performed 3 circuits x 14 workout stations, 1 minute to each exercise and 30 seconds break between sets.
It was AWESOME and I had so much fun and enjoyed myself to the max! The exercises were pretty easy but after the second round I started to feel my legs and arms working. They were like hey babe stop pushing yourself will ya but I kept 'em going. Heeyyah! Heeeyah! So yeah, I did it! I managed to complete 3 sets of circuits on that day. So babes, if a lazy creature like me can do it, I'm 100% sure you can do it too. You should join Kevin Chiak's Ladies Circuit Training Workout Class and have fun!
Yes, this is my trainer, Kevin Chiak, the founder of Kevin Chiak's Personal Training Studio / Family Fitness Centre & President of Bodybuilding Federation. Absolutely honored to be trained by Kevin Chiak. He's very friendly, patient and jovial person.
Yeah, me and my fellow bloggers really had a greeattt time together at Kevin Chiak's Ladies Circuit Training Workout Class!
Thank you Herine for introducing and inviting me to Ladies Circuit Training Workout Class.
Thank you to Kevin Chiak for imparting your powerful experience and knowledge of proper circuit training.
Alright babes, to find out more, head over to Kevin Chiak's website: www.kevinchiak.com.
Be sure to LIKE - www.facebook.com/kcpts and stay connected with latest updates.
Be sure to follow me on Instagram for latest updates.
Lots of Love
Disclaimer : I was invited to this event by fellow blogger Herine to be part of the Kevin Chiak's fitness class for personal experience sharing purposes only. Opinions are based on my personal experience. No monetary compensation of any kind was given or received for this event. Images above taken by me unless otherwise stated.
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