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REVIEW : Natural II Color-Gray Circle Lenses from KLENSPOP

Well hello Gorgeous! I am back with another gorgeous Circle Lens review from Klenspop! Okay, if you know me, you'll know that I am obsessed with Circle Lens especially gray colored ones. Yeap! Gray is one of my favorite colors. I love gray because it's an amazing color and always look good with everything.

So without further ado, let's jump straight into the review!


Thank you Klenspop for your careful packing. My package arrived safely and in perfect condition. You know what guys, I love receiving packages, it feels like Christmas!!! So yeah, as usual, immediately after receiving the package, I ripped it open! Inside the package, there was a small box wrapped in thick bubble wrap and a piece of instruction manual sitting pretty on it. Well, imagine my pleasant surprise when I unwrapped the bubble wrap, and saw an adorable Natural II Color-Gray mini box. Oh ... Uber cute!!

Inside the kit: 

2 vials of Natural II Color-Gray Circle Lenses
Contact Lens Case
Plastic Tweezers

Now guys, please be sure to check the condition of the lenses prior to opening the vials.
Check the lenses through the bottom of the vials. Make sure they are in good condition and share the same color. Once you are happy with everything, you can open the vials and soak the lenses in fresh multi-purpose solution for 6 - 8 hours before wearing them for the first time.






Lens Information
Product Name : Natural II Color-Gray
Brand : T.Top Contact
Diameter : 14.0mm
Graphic Diameter : 13.6mm
Base Curve : 8.6mm
Life Span : 1 year (Max)
Country of Origin : South Korea
Price Includes : 1 PAIR (2 pcs) + BONUS CASE

Super natural greyish starburst look design/pattern with dark, thin limbal ring. 

Soft, natural shade of gray with a dark gray around the outer ring edge.

Super comfortable and sit perfectly fit on my eyeballs without any eye irritation or redness. Very clear and no cloudy vision.

Perfect size for me. Natural appearance with slight enlargement and without harsh edge.

Overall, I'm super satisfied with this pair of Natural II Color-Gray circle lenses from Klenspop. This pair blend well with my natural brown eyes and look so natural. They are perfectly safe to wear and feel so comfortable on my eyeballs. You can wear them everyday, to work, brunch or girls' night out! I'm absolutely in love with this pair of circle lenses from Klenspop. I'm also happy with their service. They provide impeccable customer service at all times. 


How I open the vials? 
Check the step by step below.

Step 1
Look for the arrow mark and push the plastic cap upward.

Step 2
Pull the plastic cap downward.

Step 3
Rip off the aluminium ring and remove the whole thing.

After opening the vials, use the plastic tweezers to take the lenses out of the vials and soak them in fresh multi-purpose solution for 6 - 8 hours. 


Klenspop is a leading company of Circle Lens & Cosmetic Lens, based in Korea. They offer a huge selection of high quality Korean made Circle Lens and Cosmetic Lens at affordable prices. Click the link to find out more about Klenspop and their products :

They are offering FREE worldwide shipping on orders over $80 via K-PACKET (Economy Mail) or $130 via EMS (Express Mail). Click the link for further details :

Guys, go ahead and hop on over to KLENSPOP and check out the Circle Lens selection now.
Banner provided by Klenspop

You can also check out their new Japanese site, Jlenspop

Like their Facebook and stay connected with their latest updates.

Leave a comment below and tell me what's your favorite color.
Lots of Love

Disclaimer : Product in this post was provided for personal review purposes only. Reviews are 100% honest and based on my personal experience. No monetary compensations of any kind was given or received for this review. Images above taken by me unless otherwise stated.


  1. I love the color and pattern! So natural! Your eyes looks gorgeous with them

  2. I love the colors of these! I'd like to try these out one day. I like that you talk about them being really comfortable. My contacts I have are the most uncomfortable contacts of life, so I rarely ever wear them!
    Jenny // Mish Mosh Makeup

    1. Oh yes Hun. All lenses from Klenspop are very comfortable and easy to wear. Just follow my tips and you will love them.

  3. This particular papers fabulous, and My spouse and i enjoy each of the perform that you have placed into this. I’m sure that you will be making a really useful place. I has been additionally pleased. Good perform! natural colored contacts

    1. Glad to hear you and your spouse enjoyed the pampering session with them.


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