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McDonald's The Ultimate Spicy Challenge Event!

Hey Guys!
Last Friday, I received an invitation to attend the exclusive McDonald's "The Ultimate Spicy Challenge" Launch Event with a red dress code. It was held at the McDonald's outlet @ JEM on the second floor.

The event was successful because everyone came dressed in red and enjoyed a fun evening!
Woot! Woot! 

Now, are you ready for some serious business? some serious heat?
Alrightey, let's get spicy!

Upon arrival, I was greeted by friendly smiley staff and advised me to proceed to the second floor for registration. It was a long queue... mm...hmmm.... At the registration desk, I have to show my ID plus e-invitation to receive a round sticker and a guessing game entry form. The staff told me to guess the  right number of chillies in a clear tall glass jar (see image below).

So I guessed the number, filled out the entry form and dropped it in the box next to the jar.
Ahem... for your information, I failed to guess the number correctly but it's ok. Yeap ... I am o...k...a....y.......

After I have dropped the form in the box, I walked in and picked a seat near the full length glass window.


I love, love, love the atmosphere, the entire interior was decorated with red balloons.

Tables were set with red tablecloths and simple centrepieces.
Yeap very simple centrepieces but I think it must be related to the Fiery Mala Burger. Hmm....


The event started shortly after everyone arrived.
There were loud music, cheers and laughter.
Ooooooh Guyyyys... y'all know whaaaat?! The event was hosted by 98.7FM DJ Justin Ang and Vernon A! Sad to say and for some reason, I didn't get a chance to snap pictures with them... Sigh.....
Please don't ask me why.

Alright, alright.... Let's move on to the main topic.
The Food!!!!!

Around 8.50pm, drinks, fries and burgers were served.
First came the Yuzu McFrizz, a mixture of soda and Yuzu (Citrus Fruit). 
It was an awesome evening as it was my first time drinking Yuzu McFrizz.
So nice and yummeh!

Then, a large French Fries arrived and landed on my table.

Finally, the Fiery Mala Burger appeared on my table.....
Oh yeah! Come to Momma!!!!

Grilled chicken coated with their special concoction of pepper, garlic and capsicum, topped with peppery chargrill sauce and shredded lettuce and served with toasted sesame buns.

Taste and texture:
  • Chicken Patty - Grilled to perfection on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside. 
  • Peppery Chargrill Sauce - Not spicy enough for me but very tasty. 
  • Shredded Lettuce - Crunchy, crisp and pretty.
  • Toasted Sesame Buns - Soft and yummy!

I will definitely come back for this baby again. I am so much in love with this Fiery Mala Burger. I'm not kidding yaw! Why? Ahem.... I loved the copious amount of shredded lettuce and peppery flavor! Mmm...Not spicy enough to knock me unconcious but absolutely a good way to spice up my life. Even if you are not a huge fan of spicy food, you still have to try this baby but if your tongue gets burn and run away, don't blame me okay. Hehehe..... 

At the end of the event, each guest received a goodie bag and a certificate! Awesome! 
Ladies and Gentlemen, I hereby declare, that I have conquered the McDonald's Fiery Mala Burger!

I am a huge fan of McDonald's. 
I grew up eating McDonald's and I'm telling y'all, ..... I can't live without McDonald's burgers.
How about y'all? Leave your comments below.

So guys, go grab your Fiery Mala Burger at your nearest McDonald's outlet now!


Like their facebook and stay connected with their latest updates:


Disclaimer: I was invited to attend the event as invited guest with a complimentary gift. I am not affiliated with the said brands and not getting paid for this post. Images above were taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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