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DIY Bracelet Display Stand

Hello My Loves! If you know me well, you know I love making things. I love to reuse, redesign, repurpose and reorganize just about everything and anything. Hmmm..... I know, it's been awhile since I've done any DIY project! So today I'm gonna show y'all how to make your own DIY Bangle Braceket Display Stand. It's uber easy, I promise. Are you ready? Let's go ahead and jump into it, Shall we?


Alright let's get down to the list of materials you need for this project.

Things you need :
  1. 6 Toilet Roll Tubes (For the holder)
  2. 2 Hand Roll Paper Towel Tube (for the stand -  different height and measurement. Depends on what height you want)
  3. Felt Cloth (Any Color)
  4. Double sided tape fabric glue or hot gun glue
  5. Card board
  6. Any unwanted box lid (Any shape - for the base)
  7. Scotch Tape
  8. Ribbon (Any Color)
  9. Scissors
  10. Pen
  11. Any Broken Jewelry pieces (For decoration)



  1. Place the 'Hand Roll Paper Towel' tube upright on the inside of the box lid.
  2. Trace around the end of the tube on the inside of the lid and trace another. (You can trace 2 or more circles, depend on the size of the box lid).
  3. Cut out the circles you traced.
  4. Place the box lid onto the felt cloth, trace that on and cut it enough to cover the entire box lid.
  5. Wrap the felt cloth around the box lid and secure with double-sided tape or fabric glue.
  6. Cut 7 or 8 slits evenly around the circles


  1. Tape 3 'Toilet Roll' tubes together. Make 2 sets. Draw a circle in the middle. (Tips: place end of the tube on a piece of any paper, cut it out, place it in the middle of the taped roll tube and trace the circle onto it).
  2. Cut a few slits evenly around the circle.
  3. Fold the slits inside.
  4. Insert the 'Hand Roll Paper Towel' tube into the hole.
  5. It should fit perfectly in the hole.

Next, grab your felt cloth and wrap it around your roll tubes, glue and secure.

So now we need 4 cut out circles to cover the end of the roll tubes. How to do it? Easy peasy!
All you have to do is to place the end of the roll tubes on a cardboad, trace and cut out the circles.
Cover the whole circumference cardboard with felt cloth, glue and secure.

  1. Grab your wrapped circle and glue it to the end of the roll tubes in place.
  2. Glue ribbon around the edge of each circle. See image 2 & 3.

Next, assemble them together and make sure the stands fit tightly in the base.
See images below.

Front view

Side View

Now, let's move on to the final touch.


After you have assembled everything, use any of your broken jewelry pieces and decorate your stand display as desired.


Tadaaah!...... Nice? I love, love, love it so much!

Alrighty loves, I hope you like my DIY Bracelet Display Stand. 
If you decided to recreate this, make sure to #revspunkyrena (Instagram).
I'd love to see your creation.

Stay tuned for more DIY projects and tutorials!


Disclosure : Read here


  1. Very, very beautiful and useful!
    Congratulations on your blog!
    Have a nice day.
    Maria di Africreativa from Italy


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