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Bobbi Brown Christmas Party!

Hey Cupcakes! 
Recently I was invited to attend Bobbi Brown Christmas Party at Tampines Bobbi Brown store. We got to learn from the expert on how to magically switch from day look to the Red Carpet look in just 20 minute. It was uber fun! In this entry, I just wanna share some pictures I took. 

So here you go. Enjoy!

Love the mini Christmas Tree.

Bobbi Brown Cosmetics.

Step 1 - Prep
Step 2 - Correct
Step 3 - Conceal & Set



Okay guys, I bought these 2 products at the DFS Galleria Bobbi Brown counter over the last couple of weeks. I will be doing a separate full review on both products + makeup haul soon. So stay tuned!

Have you tried any of the Bobbi Brown products before?
If yes, leave a comment below.
Disclaimer: I was invited to attend the workshop as a guest. I purchased the products. I am not affiliated with the said brands and not getting paid for this post. Images above were taken by me unless otherwise stated.


  1. That's so cool that you got to go to the event! The pics are beautiful! I have a few Bobbi Brown products, but I don't use them often. My favorite one that I have though is the eye cream! Thanks for sharing!

    Neya |

    1. I love the eye cream too. It works like magic.
      Thanks for dropping by Hun!

  2. My eyes are just drooling at the sight of all that makeup.


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