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O & J Mango Food Tasting Review & A Giveaway!!!! (CLOSED)


Hey Guys, I'm uber excited because I'm hosting my first giveaway!
One lucky winner will get *Drum Roll Please* A box of O & J Mangoes!
Alrighty! Continue reading to find out more about O & J Mangoes and enter the GIVEAWAY.

A couple of days ago, I was invited for Mango Food Tasting at Dabzee Enterprise Pte Ltd. OMG! O & J mangoes are the best ever, I swear! Y'all have got to try one to believe how awesome they really taste. These amazingly fresh, sweet and succulent mangoes are airflown from Pakistan. For your information, mango season starts in June and remains till August every year. Check out more about O & J Mangoes here.

Tasting Session


I love all kinds of mangoes, however, Sindhri is my Fave. Hmmm.... what's so special about Sindhri? Well, it looks very much like a regular mango but tastes so freaking good! This mango has no fiber, extremely rich and creamy taste, uber sweet, smooth and pleasantly aromatic flavor. Just looking at the picture makes my mouth watering. Excuse me please, I need to grab some tissues to wipe the saliva, off my mouth. 


Okay, I'm back! Let's move on and check this out. Anwar Ratool is another kind of mango from Pakistan. It's small in size, roundish, soft with unique aroma and sweet taste. Ooooh.... Heaven.....

Other Products

Dabzee Enterprise also carry various other products such as Honey, Muruku, Dried/Dehydrated Fruits and Nuts & Seeds. Check out their entire products here.

O&J Honey Acacia

Honey is good for you - health and beauty. It has antiseptic, antibacterial and antibiotic properties. You can use Honey as a face mask or hair conditioner. I'll be doing another post on Homemade Honey Beauty Recipes sooooooon.......... 

Alright back to O&J Honey Acacia. It is 100% natural and pure. The main source of nectar is Acacia Modesta blossoms from the forest of Pakistan. Acacia honey has a lot of health benefits with nutritional value. For more detailed information about Honey Acacia and other O&J Honey Products, click here.

Dried/Dehydrated Mangoes

Dried/Dehydrated Mangoes are absolutely perfect snacks compared to other snacks. Plus they taste delicious too.

Home Made Murukku Products

Murukku is the most popular snacks in South India. It's crispy and so delicious. Spicy & Hot and Sweet & Spicy are my faves! For your information, there are 9 types of Home Made Murukku available from Dabzee Enterprise. Check it out here.

Overall, I had a good time stuffing my face with the Mangoes!
Thank you Mr Bokhari from Dabzee Enterprise for your generous hospitality.

Check out their entire food products:


Okay Guys, it's time for a GIVEAWAY! Here are the rules stipulations, Muahahaha..... 

2. Like & Share this post on your facebook wall (set as Public)
3. Comment on this post for your chance to win O & J Mangoes.

Closing Date : 5 July 2013

Giveaway is open only for Singapore Address.
Sorry my International Friends, will include y'all in my next beauty product giveaway.

Good Luck!

Disclaimer: I was invited to attend the food tasting as a blogger with complimentary/sponsored products received. I am not affiliated with the said brands and not getting paid for this post. Images above were taken by me unless otherwise stated.


  1. Hi,,
    This is amazing contest.
    Count me in. Good luck everyone.


  2. Ah, love a box of mangoes to make mango ice cream!


  3. I would be appreciating all of your articles and blogs as a result of their suiting up mark.

    Mango exporter pakistan


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