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Ettusais Party Pores Gone Counter + Nylon Exclusive Party!

*Event / Invite

Hey Chicas! It's Par-Tay Time!!! I love any kinds of parties! Woot...woot.....
Soooo.... when I received an invitation from Nylon to attend the Ettusais Pores Gone Counter Party as a Special Guest, I flipped. No, really, I'm not exaggerating! Hee....hee....hee....

Alright, without further ado, let the party begin!!!!
Par..par...partay! Cute Smiling

I had the pleasure of attending the party last Friday Night.
On  last Friday Night, went to this party, a lovely Ettusais Beauty Consultant greeted me upon arrival, gave me a round ' Ettusais Special Guest' sticker and showed me around.


Signage and product displays are very important to shoppers. 
Check this out. Ettusais have used a very creative way to display their products. I simply love the way the counter top looks and also the shabby chic cabinet. Really hard to ignore them.

Ettusais Pore Care Series and Skin Version Up 

Alrighty, let's talk a li'l bit about their products :-

1. Pore Care Wash
Gentle cleanser that effectively deep cleanses by dissolving the oily residue, impurities and bacteria to prevent clogged pores.

2. Skin Version Up Super
Ettusais Star Product. A softener helps to prep skin to absorb moisturizer. 

3. Pore Care Lotion Dual Effect
It's not only helps to hydrate skin but also control oil production.
Plus, it can make pores less visible.

4. Pore Care Serum
It contains an an award-winning ingredient Amino-acid Derivative that help to shrink pores.

5. Pore Concealer
Instantly conceal visible pores flawlessly. 
I'll be doing another post (review + tutorial) on this product soon. Keep your eyes peeled!


(Photo Courtesy by Ettusais)
Ettusais Trainer, Jasmine did a skin care demo on the model. She showed us the technique to apply Ettusais skin care products. Thanks for sharing the tips, Jasmine!
(Photo Courtesy by Ettusais)


Guests were treated to a lovely and girly laid out table of light refreshments such as cupcakes, cake pops and drinks. 


Oh yeah! Each guest received a welcome gift - Butterfly Print PVC Tote bag + Tumbler Cup. 

 Okay Chicas, to find out more about Ettusais Products, 
check out their Website :
Like their Facebook Page :

Thank you Nylon and Ettusais for inviting me to ya Par-Tay!
The party was AWESOME!


Disclaimer: I was invited to attend the Party as a blogger. I am not affiliated with the said brands and not getting paid for this post. Images above were taken by me unless otherwise stated.


  1. That is sooo great! congrats. New follower on bloglovin

  2. Nice post :) Check out my blog... and what do you think... do you wanna follow each other?

    1. Why sure Hun! I am heading to your blog now and follow you.
      Thanks for stopping by! :)

    2. Thanks! I am following you back on bloglovin :)


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