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Review : Starry Eyes with Star Lash!

*Sponsored Review

Alright Dolls! On May 16, 2013, I attended the Star Lash "Complete the Look" Workshop organized by Beauty Direct. Each attendee received a complimentary Star Lash door gift that included :
  • An Eyelash Curler 
  • A pair of Upper False Eyelashes 
  • A pair of Lower False Eyelashes, 
  • 2 Automatic Gel Eyeliner Pencil (Midnight Blue & Black Glitter)
  • Eyelash Glue
  • Eye Makeup Remover/Corrector

I promised you that I'd be reviewing the Star Lash products, so here's the scoop!

Star Lash

False Eyelashes

Photo Courtesy by Beauty Direct

Star Lash brand was founded in 2008, and the very first Singaporean lash label.  Star Lash false eyelashes are affordable and top notch. Their false eyelashes are handmade by the best Synthetic Fibre, that are natural to touch and comfortable to wear. Their false eyelashes come in a wide variety of lengths, curls and thicknesses and there are over 100 designs available. Check out Star Lash false eyelashes in the image above. Which one are you gonna pick?

Retail Price : $8.90 - $12.90 for premium ranges
$22.90 for party range

I picked Star Lash Premium Lash - DB 18 for upper lashes and Star Lash Premium (Special Edition) - DB 34 for lower lashes. I picked DB 18 specifically because the lashes are wispy and natural looking, not too dramatic or over the top. For lower lashes, try out their Star Lash DB 34, it brings out the eyes! To create more impressive, bigger eyes and kawaii, I reckon you must wear upper and lower false lashes. 

Automatic Gel Eyeliner Pencil

Retail Price : $14.90

Waterproof and smudgeproof eyeliner is an automatic pencil-type that glides on eyes easily but you have to be very careful. Do not press it too hard while applying the eyeliner. Why? It's because I pressed it too hard and the tip broke a little bit. So be gentle!

Star Lash Automatic Gel Eyeliner Pencil, available in 5 shades :
  • Intense Black
  • Sexy Brown
  • Black Glitter
  • Midnight Blue
  • Hot Bronze 

I picked Midnight Blue and Black Glitter because they make my eyes pop!

The Swatche

Which color do you prefer? Black Glitter or Midnight Blue?

Tools & Accessories

Apart from False Lashes and Eyeliners, they also carry other beauty products, tools and accessories. 
Let's check 'em out!

 Eye Makeup Remover/Corrector

Retail Price : $7.90

This is new to me. Yeap. I know I am uber late for this. Anyhoo, I find that this makeup remover filled cotton bud is uber easy and convenient. Simply twist the stick and pull the cap off, allow the liquid to flow down and soak the tip wet completely. Then use the wet tip to correct or remove eye makeup and the dry tip to touch up. How cool is that?

 Star Lash Eyelash Curler

Retail Price : $5.90

It is made of stainless steel, easy grip handle, painless curl and last longer.

Star Lash Eyelashes Glue

Retail Price : $5.90

I love this baby! It's the most effective and long lasting. It's gentle and does not irritate the eye area or skin.

Mini Tutorial

Apply a small amount of Star Lash eyelashes glue on the edge of the false eyelashes. Wait a few seconds for glue to dry (clear), then apply to your eyelid.

Line your upper eyelid with Midnight Blue and Black Glitter on your waterline + lower lash line.
Use a pair of upper false eyelashes - DB 18 and team it up with lower false eyelashes - DB 34 to complete the look. Voila!

You can check out their other products :
At BHG, John Little, Pink Beauty, SASA, Watsons
Soon to come at e-store : (Full range available for International Shipping)
Instagram : @BeautyDirectSG (Star Lash itself has a hashtag #starlash in Instagram)


Disclosure : I received sponsored product from Beauty Direct. I am not getting paid for this post but affiliated with said brand.  Images above were taken by me unless otherwise stated.


  1. Thanks for sharing. I love false eyelashes and now I prefer them over mascara. Mascara bothers my eyes when I wear it all day. Falsies look nicer I think to... You have a great kit :)

    1. I love false eyelashes too!
      Thanks for dropping by Hun!

  2. Thanks for the follow doll! Returning the favor. Looking forward to ur beauty tips, tricks and reviews :-)

  3. What a great review. I found your blog on blogaholic group page and now I am following your blog. Could you do a step by step on how to apply the eye lashes correctly? I always do it wrong and it looks horrible. Thanks!

    1. Sure Babe, your request is on my list now.
      Coming up soon. Thanks for stopping by blog. :)

  4. Hi I have started following you, thank you for following me xx

  5. These look lovely hun! Great review! I am pretty sure I won't be able to find these in my country but they all look good! :))

    Andrea | RosyChicc

    1. Thanks Darling! Oh.. I believe they ship internationally. Check out their website for more details. You will love their products.:)

  6. You have a very nice blog!
    Oh and love the goodies you recived from the workshop!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving comments!!
    I have followed you back on GFC and Bloglovin!


    1. Thanks Hun! Yeap... I love all the goodies too..

  7. gorgeous! wish to have it :) love your blog


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