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Exclusive Event Invitation: Star Lash "Complete the Look" Workshop

*Exclusive Event Invitation

Hello Beauties!  I was invited by Elrica from Pinkbuble in da house to Exclusive Star Lash "Complete the Look" Workshop organized by Beauty Direct.  Thank you so much for the invite.

The 2 hours guided workshop was conducted by a beautiful and friendly Beauty Blogger and Professional Makeup Artist Elrica Diona.  Y'all should check out her awesome blog here : Pinkbuble in da house
In this workshop, we learned how to complete two makeup looks with their handmade to perfection lashes and their new range eyeliners and eyebrow pencils. O'lala.... 

Star Lash False Eyelashes Range

Star Lash false eyelashes are affordable and top notch quality.  They have a wide range of lash designs for all types of eyes and occasions. Check out those falsies!

Demo and Hands-on Tutorial Session

Elrica did a makeup demo on the models.  She showed us the secret to apply false eyelashes and create natural look & uber fun Kawaii look. It's simply a great opportunity to learn tips and tricks from her. 

My Fave Look

I picked DB 18, sexified my eyes and OMG, I love 'em!  So light and comfortable to wear.  Those pair of false eyelashes gave me a natural look. 

Complimentary Door Gift

The Complimentary Door Gift - Vouchers, 2 sets of Star Lash falsies, 2 eyeliners, eyelashes glue and eye curler. I'll be doing another post (review + tutorial) on those soon.

The Beauty Bloggers and Gurus 

I met and made new blogger friends.  We had an Awesome time!  

Oh yeah, we love Bonia collections! 
I wanna have a closet full of Bonia bags, pleeeeaseee.... 

The Star Lash "Complete the Look" Workshop was held here, 
- Bonia Pop Up Store at Orchard Green (beside Singapore Visitors Centre).

Overall, I had an Awesome time watching the demo and testing out their false eyelashes range by Star Lash.  Y'all should check out their false eyelashes range and all. Let's rock the world with Star Lash False Eyelashes and Happy Lashing.

Instagram : @BeautyDirectSG

What's your favorite false eyelashes?
Let me know in the comments.

Disclaimer: I was invited to attend the workshop as a blogger with complimentary products received. I am not affiliated with the said brands and not getting paid for this post. Images above were taken by me unless otherwise stated.


  1. Awww.... didn't get to meet as we went on different dates :/

    1. Awww... yeah. Sob..sob. Would love to meet you. Hope to meet you soon dear.

  2. Babe!! It was so nice to meet you that day!!
    Hope to meet you again sometimes soon ^^

    1. Aww...thanks for dropping by my blog Hun!
      Sure... hope to meet you again. Looking forward.:)

  3. Such a nice blog. Maybe you could have a look at mine? Have a look at my blog

    1. Awww.... thanks Melanie Heyns...I'm heading to ya blog now.


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