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Economical Beauty Tips

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Hello Gorgeous, as promised, I am back!  Alrighty, today I want to share with ya'll my top 3 favorite economical beauty tips.  They are cheap, simple and effective.  Definitely worth a try!

Let's get gorgeous!

1.   Aloe Vera - For Skin & Hair

If you have *Aloe Vera plant at home, you are the lucky one because the plant is good for blemishes.  It will also help to heal small cuts, abrasion, sunburn and minor burns.  It is also known to control dandruff and hair loss.  

What you'll need :
  • A few leaves of Aloe Vera
  • Paring knife
Instruction :

Take the leaves, peel the skin off with paring knife and apply the milky substance directly to the skin or massage scalp with the substance.  This remedy is cheap, simple and effective. 

* Aloe Vera plants thrive in pots on a window sill, easy to keep and inexpensive.

2.   Listerine -To dissolve Hair Styling Products in your Hair

If after shampooing you still find residue of lotion or hairspray, or any other foreign matter, in your hair, this will easily remedy the problems.  

What you'll need :
  • Original Listerine
  • Shampoo
  • Hair :D
Instructions :
  1. Apply generous dose of Listerine and gently massage through your hair for 2 to 3 mins.  
  2. Rinse well and shampoo once more lightly.  
You read correctly. *Original Listerine Mouthwash not only gets rid of your throat.  The formula contains the perfect ingredients to dissolve hair styling products.

* Use only the Original formula of Listerine.  

3.   DIY Facial Mist

To give your make up staying longer spray your whole face with mineral water.  There's no need for you to buy expensive spray mist.  Make your own spray mist.

What you'll need :
  • Boiling water
  • Cold water
  • Empty spray bottle
Instructions :
  1. The ratio of the tepid water is 2:1 (Cold water : Boiling water)
  2. *Pour tepid water in an empty spray bottle and cool it in the refrigerator.  Now, you can use it anytime you need it.
* Tepid water is a mixture of 2 parts cold water to 1 part boiling water.

So let me know, what are your top 3 economical beauty tips?


Disclaimer: All products mentioned were purchased with my money.  I am not affiliated with the said brand and not getting paid for this post. Images above were taken/owned by yours truly.


  1. What a fun blog...can't wait to

  2. Hi! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog.

    Following you back :)

    Anne {The Pink Momma}

  3. Wow I didn't know thaa Listerine could do this!
    Nice post Rena!
    Take a look at my oversized sweaters!
    Have a great day :)

    xo Lily

    1. Oh yes Lily and you try it out.
      Thanks & I like ya oversized sweaters. Very stylish!
      Have a great day!

  4. Hi thanks for coming by and following along, I am now following you back :)

  5. Hi Rena,

    Following you back. Thank you for stopping by. I love vintage also. I found a great place for vintage. Stop by.


  6. All very good tips! <3

  7. HI Rena! :) Following you right back! Great tips, I did not know about listerine for hair residue removal, I personally use apple cider vinegar. I will definitely be trying the spray mist tip! :)

    1. Thank you so much Natalie! Yup, can use apple cider vinegar too. Keep in touch!

  8. Oh! I love easy DIY beauty tips! I just got a sm. Aloe vera plant. I want to use it for beauty DIY. I've heard you can squeeze the leaves to remove the milk & it will heal right up. Is this true? Lovin' your blog sweetie!

  9. Oh yes you can squeeze the leaves to remove the milk,dear. love your awesome blog too.


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