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Let's Get Studded!

Hey Babes, lately I've been obsessed with studs! Studded accessories can add any outfit an edgy vibes.  If you know me, you know I love, love, love DIY projects.  They give me an immense sense of accomplishment, comfort, fulfillment & self-satisfaction.  And today, I'm going to show you how to stud your favorite items without spending a big bomb.

So let's get studding & Rock the World!Rock On

Step 1 : Materials

1.   A Pair of your favorite plain Earrings

2.   Brass Thumb tacks & A pair of Long Nose Pliers. 

3.   Hot Glue Gun

Step 2 : Studding Process

Grab your long nose pliers, remove the tack part and take only the smooth & rounded head of the thumbtack.

Use Hot Glue Gun to stick and place the smooth & rounded head of the thumbtacks anywhere you desire them to be.  

Step 3 : The Result

You are ready to ROCK it to your next Partey!Party Emoticons

Wait, don't go away, now Darling...... there is something more..........

You can also use the same method to jazz up your plain headband like so.

For a studded headband, I'd wear it with a tousled hair, classic smoky eye make up and a blazer + bustier top + high waisted jeans + edgy shoes, can take you from a casual work look to date night.

Girl blowing kiss
Let me know what you think.  Catch y'all soon - Happy Studding!


  1. Wow, you have a gun for DIY and everything like a pro! lol

    Those earrings look terrific. I bet you look great wearing them! :)


  2. That is a super cool DIY :)
    Thanks for following, I followed back through bloglovin' :)

  3. That's easy steps! But it sucks because I can only wear real gold or silver if not my ears get infection. And I stick to hoops. But I'll keep your DIY in mind. :)

    Thanks for the follow! I am now a new follower!:)

  4. Love this DIY! I'm going to try this out! Great idea! Thanks for the follow Luv...following you back! XO :)

  5. Hello! I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Check out my blog ( for more information.

    1. Awwww, thanks Hun for nominating me for this Award! I'm going to check out your blog now.


  6. Wow I love studding!! Great job girly :-) Following!

  7. Hey girl! I'm always looking for new earring ideas, so thanks for the tip! Love it!

    By the way, I "liked" your facebook page and I am also looking for more "likes". Here is mine:

    Thanks and I'll be stopping back soon!

    Mia @ The Muses Circle

    1. Hi Mia

      Thanks for stopping by! I "liked" your facebook page.

      Please keep in touch!


  8. I love what you did to those earrings. Nice work! I'd totally wear those!

    Thank you for stopping by the Harvest of Friends Weekend Blog Hop.

  9. Wow, very creative:-) Love your Blog as well:-) Btw, it's Zai from blogaholic I followed back:-)



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