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It's OK Thursday!

Happy Thursday, Y,all!

Today I'm linking up with Amber - Brunch with Amber &
Neely - A Complete Waste of Makeup for:

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK.. pump up the volume and sing out loud while you're driving

Click here for more graphics and gifs! drool on your pillow at night.  Gross?  Nah, not really

Sleeping Japanese Cat laze around and do nothing 
Sleeping in hammock make mistakes, the more you make mistakes, the more you learn.  Remember, nobody is perfect!

Studying smile at strangers.  If a stranger doesn't return your smile, don't let that stop you from smiling at strangers.  I know this sounds a bit crazy but it's OK 

Extremely happy

Till then, Happy Thursday!


  1. Haha cute post!
    I'll be sure you smile at a couple of strangers today ;)

    1. Thanks Hun!
      Yup, I smile to any strangers a lot & get plenty of weird looks Hahah.... to me it's ok. Smiling is my hobby. :)

  2. haha the drooling one is hilarious!

    Have a great day! Stop by and say hello! :)

    1. You too dear, have a great day & thanks for stopping by!

  3. Really cute posting thanks. I always smile at strangers but many times they do not smile back, In my town strangers can be really rude and insulting when you smile at them, rolling their eyes and making rude comments to their companions. that is ok I keep smiling. Rude behavior will not change who I am, which is the person that keeps smiling at others. A smile is a kindness and may be the only kindness that person receives that day, I should know I live alone and often someones smile is my only contact with people all day .

    1. I know where you're coming from, but it's ok, Hun. Yup, totally agree with you, a smile is a kindness. I'm smiling at you now. :)

  4. Cute post :) I liked the random words of encouragement... and I have started smiling at strangers. Living in a big city, that's often forgotten, but people have been nicer than I expected.

    1. Oh yes, Lady J.
      One simple smile can change someone's day & yours too.

  5. Awww....thanks for stopping by Babe!
    I followed you & feel free to follow back.

  6. LOL this was adorable..


  7. Thanks for stopping by! :)
    xo sandra

  8. I love your blog! I followed you back!


  9. I read a story once about how a smile gets transmitted!

    You have a lovely blog:)

    Shubhi's Revels!

  10. hi returning the follow...a late follow but a follow thanx for following me :)

    Leigh x


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