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How to Organize Necklaces

Please allow me to share my sad story :( with you, my lovely peeps.  I used to dump all my necklaces into a shoe box and became a tangled mess.  I have to fight and clear this mess everytime I need to get something out of the box.  Fighting with tangled necklaces can be totally frustrating.  Till one unfateful day, I accidentally broke my favourite necklace while trying to untangle it with another necklace and left my fragile heart all bruised.

Being tired
I had gotten tired of having to fight with necklaces everytime I wanted to wear one, so I decided to move all my necklaces to another place to Chillax.

The solution? Simple! Let's check it out .....
Here's a quick solution to organize your necklaces:

Do not throw away your old or unwanted fork and spoon holder. You can use it to hang your necklaces and bracelets.

Lovely!  It provides a convenient way to display and organize your necklaces without them getting tangled up.  You can also use it to hang your sunglasses, rings and bracelets.  It provides you with easy access to your accessories. ;)
There is also another solution to organize your necklaces.  See below:

All I did was place the 3M Clips with Command Adhesive - (smallest size) on the inside of my so-called Jewelry Armoire and hang all my necklaces there.

Girl blowing kiss

How do you organize your necklaces?  What are some other solutions?


  1. Good idea!:X i love it:X
    Would you like to follow each other blog with GFC?

    1. Great idea, Sandra! Love your blog!
      I've followed yours, pls follow mine.


  2. Good idea to organize necklaces, intresting post.

  3. Good tips! Thanks for sharing. =)

  4. that s cool idea :P i always keep them together and they get tangled, a mess :P

    1. Oh dear, I hate when they get tangled.
      Thats not cool. Lol...


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