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Writers Studio's 10th Anniversary

Recently, I celebrated the 10th Anniversary of Writers Studio with their founder, Carean Oh, her teaching team and her mummy guests. She has been teaching English language for 22 long years. Previously, she worked as a HOD in the MOE and was a finalist for Outstanding Youth in Education Award, handpicked by the ministry out of 303 MOE teachers. 

Writers Studio has been heavily committed to the personal growth and development of all their students. During her career in MOE, when a student was frequently absent, Carean managed to persist and convince the student to attend school and over time, the student made steady progress and did well in her PSLE. Her dedication was also mentioned by the then-director general of education. 

With determination and passion, she set up Writers Studio - a Singapore-based English education centre fostering language learning and empowering students’ success through literacy. 

Writers Studio offers a plethora of English courses for primary and secondary school students in Singapore. They will evaluate their students, placing them with teachers who cater best to their personalities and learning styles. Every student’s language proficiency varies— which explains why they map them on unique learning pathways such that they meet their goals eventually. Their lessons are designed to cater to three learning pathways for students ranging from low to mid to high ability students.

This month, Writers Studio invites all members of the public to its book donation drive. You can drop your preloved books off at their book drop box in front of their studio. 


To commemorate Writers Studio’s 10th anniversary, all new (sign-ups) students will
receive 10% off Regular Programme enrolment and $10 off their November holiday
programmes (with terms and conditions).

Thank you Writers Studio for having me. 

Click the video below to check out lovely experience at Writers Studio’s  10th Anniversary Celebration. 

Head over to their website for more information :
For more on Carean Oh :

Writers Studio
144 Upper Bukit Timah Road,
Beauty World Centre #03-06,
Singapore 588177 (Nearest MRT: Beauty World) +65 85185909


Disclaimer : Images taken by me unless otherwise stated


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