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Balajiwafers Nacho Launch Party and Mini Product Review


On 27 March 2022, I was invited to a closed-door Balajiwafers Nacho launch event to try out their new flavors of old favorites. During the event, I tried their unique flavors of potato chips, won a lucky draw, made new friends, enjoyed yummy vegetarian bento and had a great time taking photos with fellow influencers. 

So without further ado, let's jump into the party!


I won a box of Balaji Wafers Chips!
My lucky number was 27!


The generous goodie bag set is filled with a plethora of Balaji Wafers chips and silicone Melody hand sanitiser holder. So cute!

With Balaji's CEO


Masala Shing Peanuts
These peanuts are one of the healthier nuts available. 
A bit spicy but tasty.

Chataka Pataka Flamin Hot
An absolutely spicy snack! I can't take it. 
My tongue burned when I had one small piece of it. 
This is for spicy food lovers. 

Nimbu Chatka Shing Bhujia
This is a yummy exotic blend of roasted peanuts with the tangy taste of lemons.
You can sit back and watch tv while munching these peanuts.

Chataka Pataka Tangy Tomato
Yes!! This is my fave!
Crunchy in bite and love the tangy taste of tomato in the chips.

Flaming Hot Nachos
These corn chips taste so spicy but taste good if you dip them in cheese sauce.
Tasty tingly tongue numbness. 

Chataka Pataka Masala Masti
Super tasty and spicy with a hint of Masala taste.

Cheese Chilli Nachos
Another of my faves! 
Cheesy cheese not spicy taste.. nuff said because they are so yummy!

Pop Rings Masala
Cute pop rings! 
Unique taste of mixed spices and a tangy special taste.

Thank you Balaji Wafer and Flaunta for having me over to your party and ...
Thank you for the generous goodie bag!

Click the video below to check out my awesomely fun experience at their Par-Tay!

Ok guys, you can get their yummy chips via online store :


Disclaimer : Images taken by me unless otherwise stated


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