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Althea Petal Velvet Powder Review

Hello Gorgeous! Whoa! I know I know.. it's been awhile since I've reached out to you here. I'm sorry ... I've been super busy with work and had a hard time to update my blog but am back now!  Thank you to all my readers who sent me an email and asked how am I doing, So sweet of you babes. So yeah, today I wanna talk about the product that I've tried lately. Without further ado, let's jump into the review, shall we?

Honestly, I'm not a fan of loose powder because it's messy and inconvenient to bring around. Anyhoo yoohoo.... I find that Althea Petal Velvet Powder case is very compact and convenient to carry around. It's not very messy if you know how to. Do not turn the case upside down, maintain it in one position. 

If you are blessed with oily skin with huge pores, it's best that you use powder puff instead of the brush. Sprinkle loose powder onto a puff, press and roll it into your skin firmly for a good coverage. This technique will help to make your huge pores disappear in a jiffy!

It absorbs oil and gives a velvety matte skin finish. It doesn't stay long so you have to touch up every 4 or 5 hours. Don't worry, it won't leave you looking like a clown, dry or cakey. If you are looking for loose powder that able to create a velvety smooth skin, Althea Petal Velvet Powder is the right one for you!

You can check out Althea Petal Velvet Powder here

Have you tried this powder before? If yes, leave a comment below.

Disclaimer: Products in this post were provided for personal review purposes only. Reviews are 100% honest and based on my personal experience. No monetary compensations of any kind were given or received for this review. Images were above taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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