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Simply Magical! Geo Princess Mimi Apple Green Lenses from Pinky Paradise!

Hello My Beautiful Friends! I'm back again with my current fave circle lenses. Woohoo!

Okay now, if you have been following me here, then you probably know that I will always pick my favorite grey circle lenses. So for this time around, I picked green circle lenses for a little change. Honestly, I was a little worried about the color but when the lenses arrived I was pleasantly surprised. This green really suits me! 

So without further ado, let's jump into everything and find out.


So far I've never been disappointed with anything I ordered from Pinky Paradise. The vials came safely wrapped in foam. The shipment came faster than the estimated time, without any damage to the vials and lenses.


Inside the package :

2 vials of Geo Princess Mimi Apple Green Lenses
Macaron Lens Case


Circle Lens Information

Brand : GEO
Origin : South Korea
Diameter : 14.8mm
Water Content : 38%
Base Curve : 8.8mm
Life Span : 1 year disposal
Prescription : -0.00 ~ -8.00
What inside : One pair of lenses and one macaron lens case


Natural Lighting

Without Flash

With Flash

Beautiful and natural green daisy-look pattern in the limbal ring that perfectly cover my natural brown eye.

Opaque, beautiful natural green with thick and dark ring around the outer edge.

Super comfortable, no blurry vision and fit perfectly on my eyeballs without running around. Absolutely NO dry sensation and NO eye irritation.

The diameter is 14.8mm which is slightly big and cover up my entire iris.

They are absolutely fabulous! Simply magical and the gorgeous green is perfect for all occasions. Anyone can rock this green anytime and anywhere. I received numerous of compliments from my people around me, including a complete strangers and I felt very flattered. Of course I love receiving compliments and I can't imagine anyone not loving a compliment.

Overall, I am happy and satisfied with Geo Princess Mimi Apple Green. They cover and blend well with my natural eye color. They are designed to make your eyes bigger and doll-like. Super lovely!! You can pair them with smokey eye look with any color you desire.

I'm satisfied with Pinky Paradise with the impeccable service provided and quick response. I have never been disappointed with anything I've ordered here. They always go above and beyond to make sure I'm happy. Highly recommend to anyone looking for good quality and authentic circle lenses!


To open the vials, follow the steps below.
  1. Look for the arrow (see the arrow in the image 1 above), and push the plastic cap upward.
  2. Pull the plastic cap all the way down.
  3. Rip off the aluminium ring, remove the whole thing and Voila!
Please remember to soak the lenses for 6 to 8 hours in multi-purpose solution before the first useThis is to avoid irritation or any discomfort. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before handling them.


Circle Lenses brands carried by PinkyParadise are all Korean made and all lenses are approved by Korean FDA. They are safe to wear but we still have to take utmost precaution when wearing circle lenses. I always take extreme care of my eyes and use proper hygiene prior to touching, wearing and handling of contact lenses. So guys as promised, here are some useful safety and maintenance tips to adopt when wearing the lenses.

Do's and Don'ts
  • Check with your eye care professional or eye doctor on your prescription before wearing any circle lenses.
  • Wash hands before touching your lenses and eyes.
  • Wear your lenses before applying makeup.
  • Remove your lenses before taking off your makeup.
  • Do not use your saliva (Eeew.... G-R-O-S-S) or any water to clean your lenses. Always use Multipurpose Solution to clean, rinse, disinfect and store your lenses.
  • Use fresh  Multipurpose Solution and do not reuse the previous used Multipurpose Solution.
  • Do not swim, sit in sauna/steam or soak in hot tub with lenses on.
  • Do not share your lenses with anyone. Nuh uh.... 
  • Do not wear lenses for more than 8 hours.

First Time Wearer
If you are first time wearer, remove your lenses immediately if you experience any pain or discomfort while wearing. Please wear them in few hours (2-3 hours) on the first day and let your eyes get used to them before get them for full day (8 hours) usage. To learn more, I encourage y'all to read Pinky Paradise's New User Guide.

  • The lens expiry date is calculated one year after you open the bottle.
  • I encourage you guys to read PinkyParadise's Wear and Care Guide on how to insert, remove and take care of lenses in routine manner. 
Click the link to view a plethora of colors and styled of circle lenses to suit your desires:


Woohoo!! Guys! Guess what? Pinky Paradise has generously offered 50% Halloween Promotion to my readers only. They are not going to run any 50% promotion on their website for Halloween Season. So don't forget to quote 'RevampSpunkyRena50' and get 50% off all yearly lenses except Phantasee, Sclera and Toric series.

Offer valid from 1 to 31 October 2016 only. (US Pacific Time Zone)

Comment below and tell me what you think about Geo Princess Mimi Apple Green Lenses and your current favorite lenses?
Lotsa Love

Disclaimer : Product in this post was provided for personal review purposes only. Reviews are 100% honest and based on my personal experience. No monetary compensations of any kind was given or received for this review. Images above taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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