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Harum Malam - A Nutritional Supplement Drink For Women

Hello My Beautiful Friends! Today I'm reviewing an amazing product called HARUM MALAM, it means FRAGRANT NIGHT. Well, I'm pretty sure y'all are curious to find out more about this amazing product, especially formulated for women! So without further ado, let's jump into the review, shall we?


What is 'HARUM MALAM'?
Harum Malam means Fragrant Night. Harum Malam is a nutritional supplement drink designed specifically for women to nourish the entire body and eliminate body odor. This amazing health drink formulations include high quality natural ingredients such as rose extracts and other carefully seclected herbs packed with nutrients. It can be taken daily even during your period. confinement and breastfeeding. It is NOT recommended to take during pregnancy.

Who can benefit from taking 'HARUM MALAM?
Not only for married women, but single, non-married women can also take Harum Malam. But please note that it is NOT recommended for pregnant women.

Advantages and Benefits
  • Helps to overcome Fluor Albus or White discharge in Women
  • Helps to kill bacteria in the urinary tract and overcome frequent urination 
  • Enhance immune system and stabilize hormones
  • Reduce stress and tension
  • Helps tighten the skin and reduce wrinkles 
  • Helps to eliminate body odor and bad breath
  • Relieves Body Heat
  • Helps tightening and firming vagina
  • Energetic and overcome the problem of dry vagina
  • Helps to lose weight
  • ,,,,,, and many more.

Harum Malam is certified Halal. This great tasting health drink contains high quality, effective and safe ingredients such as:-
  • Rose Extract
  • Betel Leaf Extract
  • Canned Fruit
  • Raisins
  • Honey
  • Goji Berry
  • Kaffir Lime
  • Strawberry
  • Serapat Wood
  • Pomegranate
  • Manjakani
  • Pueraria Lobata
  • Pueraria Mirifica
  • Senna
Nutrition Information

Serving size :10ml
Serving per package : 250ml

Average amount
Per serving : 6kcal (25kJ)
Per 100ml : 58kcal(244kJ)

Per Serving : 1.4g
Per 100ml : 13.8g

Per Serving : 0.0g
Per 100ml : 0.1g

Per Serving : 0.0g
Per 100ml : 0.5g


  • 1 (5ml) tablespoon daily before breakfast and dinner
  • Be sure to use plastic spoon to obtain best possible results.


  • Store in cold place after use
  • Drink plenty of plain water
  • Keep away from children
  • Not recommended for Pregnant women


Harum Malam comes in a semi transparent red plastic bottle with a pink screw cap. The cap goes on very securely with no damage or leak. It is not travel size but if you need to carry it around, you can transfer the desired amount of Harum Malam to a small, travel-friendly and refillable bottle.

Actually it taste good. Absolutely NO bad or gross aftertaste.

It has semi-fluid cum gel-like texture and quite thick. Fret not babes, it is easy to swallow and goes down smoothly.

I'm absolutely happy with service rendered by them. Absolutely impeccable. Prompt response and fast shipping.

My Thoughts
Overall, I am satisfied with the results. My skin looks healthy and radiant. No more dry skin on my legs and hands. I feel less hungry, more energetic and focused. I used to suffer severe insomnia every night but now I managed to break the cycle of stress and able to sleep well every night. I make sure I get at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep each night.

Honestly, I will definitely going to continue taking Harum Malam because it really works for me!! Alrighty babes. If you are keen to try, you can purchase this amazing health drink from

Have you tried Harum Malam?
Leave your comments below.

Disclaimer : Opinions expressed are solely based on my personal views. Images above taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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