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#ClozetteStyleParty Beauty & Fashion Show

Well Hello Gorgeous!
I believe pictures speak louder than words, and I'm gonna keep this post 'Happening' because I'm going to bombard you with many pictures.

Alrighty, Let's Rock 'N' Roll!


Photo Credit : Ivy


Model : Ivy

Model : Ivy

I participated 'Clozette Snap & Share' instagram contest. Well, check out my flat lay picture above. What do you guys think?


Backstage Area 

Photo Credit : Ivy
Photo Credit : Ivy
Photo Credit : Ivy

Photo Credit : Ivy
On 23 April 2016, I had the pleasure of attending #ClozetteStyleParty Beauty & Fashion Show @ Suntec City North Atrium. Thanks to Blogger Babes, I was invited as their VIP guest, and had the privilege to be seated in VIP members area close to the runway. 

The evening was awesome filled with lots of fun activities, booths, fashion, beauty, joy and laughter! Ivy, my blog buddy and I had a great time there! Together we discovered the best beauty brands at the Clozette Beauty Awards Station, watched Ivy got herself a temporary tattoo & pink hair extension, checked out Milly's nails and brow shaping stations, tried out Laneige BB Cushions and their Two Tone Makeup collection featuring S/S 16 colours, drank a bottle of cold brew coffee from, got my picture taken at the event, had my pictures printed for free at station, took a peek into the backstage area and on the Runway. 

The event ended with a blast! Before saying goodbye, each VIP guest was gifted with a VIP goodie bag filled with amazing products and vouchers. AWESOME!! 

Lotsa Love

Disclaimer : I am writing this post on my own accord for informational purposes only and no monetary compensation was given or received for this post. Images above taken by me unless otherwise stated.


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