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Event Report : Philosophy's Time in a Bottle Beauty Workshop with Elle

Hello My Beautiful Friends!
A couple of months ago, I attended Philosophy's Time in a Bottle Beauty Workshop with Elle at Indo Cafe, The White House. This workshop was very informative and fun. I truly love the products and enjoyed the workshop, especially the hands-on making of terrarium session. 

So without further ado, let's jump right in!

This workshop was consisted of a brief introduction to Philosophy's Time in a Bottle age-defying products called Time in a Bottle Eye Serum & Time in a Bottle Facial Lotion, followed by testing/application and Q&A session. My mom tried the two products out and yes, she loved them so much. My mom and I love Philosophy because they always deliver great products with incredible results. 

After the presentation, guests were ushered into another area for the hands-on making of terrarium session. What is terrarium? Terrarium is a small closed glass container where we keep and grow interesting plants in it. We were guided step by step on how to create our own mini garden in a closed glass container and care for the plants.

Amazing right? Can you see the beauties in the glass containers?

Ahemm.... now... can  you see the beauty holding her new found love? *cough* *cough*..... hehehe

At the end of the event, guests were invited to enjoy the delicious High Tea treats.
I will definitely come back again to Indo Cafe, The White House, to try out their other menu offerings. 

The workshop was very enjoyable, interactive and fun.
Each guest went back home with a goodie bag and their DIY terrarium.
Uber uber awesome!!!


Like their Facebook and stay connected with their latest updates

Facebook:  Elle Singapore

Facebook: - Philosophy Singapore

Indo Cafe website :

Green Banana :
Lots of Love

Disclaimer : I am writing this post on my own accord for informational purpose only and no monetary compensation was given or received for this post. Opinions are based on my personal experience. Images above taken by me unless otherwise stated.


  1. Stunning event!
    I wish you the best for 2015!

  2. That looks like a really great workshop! I've never tried any Philosophy products but have read so many good things about them.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity


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