Hey Dolls! I was tagged by Cami - CamiGMakeup4U2C to do 40 beauty questions tag & I tag everyone. So Let's Rock 'N' Roll!! Skincare : 1. How many tim es do you wash your face daily? Twice a day, once in the morning when I wake up and once at night before I go to La La Land. 2. What is your skin type ? I'm blessed with super oily skin. 3. What is your current facial wash? I use Clean & Clear Deep Action Oil Facewash. 4. Do you exfoliate? Yes. I exfoliate only once a week. 5. What brand do use? I use my DIY Strawberry facial scrub. 6. What moisturizer do you use? I never used any moisturizer. 7. Do you have freckles? Nope. 8. Do you use eye cream? Yes. I started using eye cream when I was about 14. 9. Do you or did you have acne prone skin? I used to suffer with acne when I was in my teens for 2 year